Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

just whisper a prayer please......

the storm did come.......a tornado actually hit about a mile south of our home..........five houses leveled.......minor injuries..................................but when you know the people affected your heart breaks...........if you would please just whisper a little prayer for these families well as those that have already been through this heartbreak................................................i am such a mess today....................................& i do realize that i am blessed!


Deppen homestead 1862 said...

oh, no~ so sorry to hear of more tornadoes~so close to you~
so glad you are safe~ My prayers for all & Denise we all get a mess at times~ makes us realize we are human~so may the Lord comfort you today & keep you safe~

Trace4J said...

Dear Friend..
So sorry to hear about the tornado. And about the families who have lost so much. But also thanking Him you are safe.
Praying for you all.
Blessings Granny Trace

Farm Field Primitives said...

So sorry about the storms and glad you are safe. This crazy weather really has to stop. Lots of prayers are going up for sure. Take care and be safe.

Angela said...

So glad to hear you are safe, but sadden to hear about the ones less fortunate. We had storms this afternoon and lost a big limb and it messed up the gutter but With so much devastion everywhere else that is minor. My heart and prayers go up for all those affected. That tornado was a little too close for comfort, huh? Hoping this weather moves out and God will give us all a safe and Happy Memorial Day weekend. We ALL have so much to be thankful for.