Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Thursday, December 31, 2020

aren’t we all cracked & wired together..... reason......i just like everyone foot in front of the other....
when our reality changes ...... we change ......... mercy ..... grace ...... & prayer to pull us all through these last few months     (that i see has almost been a year that i met you here last) ........... we are all fine ..... healthy & doing only the necessary things..... 
no open houses this year ....... but moments of stepping out of my box completely & doing “live video” Sales on Facebook “MUSTARD SEED MONDAY” 
my friends ...... when God calls us to step out in faith & completely out of our box ....... it is time to step .... no matter how “cracked or wired together” we might be ........ He is there to hold us together!!!!! 
i am back ......& I will be better .... do better ....

.................. i am blessed 💙🕯 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


honestly in life i don’t like change much.......i do like to move rooms around occasionally (which as i get older is more difficult)..........but.........sometimes we KNOW when something doesn’t work........thus the event in “shop revamp” last week......

this little cubbie wasn’t working where it was “bolted down i might say” last week it was tear it apart again day......quickly changed.....better....moving forward.....almost finished!
are we not kinda like that occasionally.......we get “bolted down” in to something & think best & simpler to stay than to “CHANGE”................another sweet lesson i have learned during the.....reset....refresh...renew........
.................... i am blessed 💙🕯

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

another little peek......

sometimes......... things just take a lot of thinking & planning....... you know....the kind that just rolls over & over in your mind & keeps you get excited about the next day...then the next............ all because you are doing something new........

just a tiny little peek......

the first things back were the lamps....... you know.......
God said “let there be light; and there was light”.........i felt this new beginning appropriate to begin there......each day now is filled with unboxing goodes as they find a new area to shine......stay tuned......
..........................i am blessed 💙🕯

Thursday, February 6, 2020

a sweet gentle snow........

still putting things together........oh but what a gentle snow can do for my soul.......

...............i am blessed 💙🕯

Sunday, February 2, 2020

a little peek.......

just a tiny little peek.........
time to start putting things back together.......
....................i am blessed...💙🕯

Thursday, January 30, 2020


it was the moment i decided it was time for a reset in the shop....ever have those kind of moments where one thing leads to another................i needed more display space.....thinking box up & carry out EVERYTHING & start a new......then the idea to paint ........this carport was enclosed a little over thirty years ago......never repainted...never rearranged......................
amazing what a little reset...refresh...renew can not only do for a shop/home..............but..........finding it helps ....spiritually...physically....emotionally....................i had almost lost my joy.....i struggled last year being creative....Mustard Seed...needed a bit of faith to keep being able to create.......
not totally back together yet....but on its way................ya’ll do you need to be refreshed....renewed....& reset....maybe you just need to empty & start again............

.................i am blessed. 💙🕯

Thursday, January 16, 2020


spending a week with the grands..........
&..........enough time to send some blessings....

................... i am blessed!   💙🕯

Saturday, January 11, 2020


simply this.....

......................i am blessed   💙  ðŸ•¯

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

begin a new.....

there are moments when our light dims just a bit........
exactly how i have been ....... felt a little like my creative juices .... my ideas .... my motivation ..... had all become just a bit dim......... nothing wrong ....just a little dry spell ....
feeling a bit more revived & ready to share new thoughts ... new ideas ... new passion ...... shall we all gather back together & “begin a new”........

thank you for hanging on for a new beginning .......
............i am blessed 💙🕯