Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Monday, May 23, 2016

on a roll...clean windows!

i am a terrible window washer .....  but I read the other day to wash with rainex ........ so we gave it a try .... must say it didn't look as streaky ..... we will see !   ............ i am blessed!


PAM said...

Just browsed your picture trail, when is your country neighbors tour for 2016? Enjoy your blog, especially your attitude! God is good!
I would love to ask you some rug hooking questions. I have never hooked but I am gathering for my first. Pictures, backing, wool, and I even bought a speed shuttle. Isn't that hilarious! I am not sure of weight of wool to use., and is it feasible to cut my strips by hand? I have some wool blankets as well as clothing and they are different thicknesses. I have been prowling around garage sales hoping to find what I need but I don't know what that is! I have a feeling you aren't too far away, I would love to come to your open house/tour.
Thanks for listening,

Prairie Blue... said...

Hi Pam! First tour is June 10-11. @10-6.......... by no means am i a good hooker (very primitive .... i would suggest cutting by hand till you see if you like it! would be glad to help however i can!