Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Monday, April 24, 2017

as the sun fades......

yesterday as the sun started to fade ........ i reflected on an ordinary day ...... turned in to a blessed day ...... church ... the grocery .... finishing up projects .....  and my heart was just overwhelmed with gratitude in the ordinary ..... 

i am blessed!!!!


Lady Locust said...

What a beautiful scene.

Winnie said...

Pretty, pretty photo of the sun on your coverlet. A lovely day of ordinary is truly a blessing. Always. Don't you just love it when life gives you time to just take stock of the simple and beautiful things about a day? I find that energy is what carries me when the roller coaster gets going and I am trying to hang on and keep my sanity! LOL!!

Winnie said...

Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!! What a blessing it is to be a Mom and have the memories of our own wonderful and loving Mothers.