Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Union Mule Antiques ........ the very place that my heart would pitty pat everytime i drove by........that was thirty years ago .....Mom & i loved to stop in for a little visit occasionally.......
 that July 4th sale was from her estate..... the goods were the best of the best ...... & our son in law was the auctioneer!
those goods were going pretty high ..... but on the second & third round bid i was able to win some of the smaller baskets ...... ( of which there were many!!!)........ the crocks were AMAZING  ( of which there were many as well)  i could afford NONE!   ........   but these are the basket treasures that came home to live with me for now ..... till they are in the arms of others .... continuing the story 
( I find it so touching that our Megan & Marah would be with us many a time to stop in for the visit ..... & Megan's husband was the auctioneer..... full circle heart momentđź’™)

total of 7 baskets ....
my Mom had glass nesting eggs .... i don't know what happened to them ..... but this basket held these !

 i am blessed  ..........


Winnie said...

What fantastic baskets and a sweet story to go with them! There is nothing better than being able to continue the love of some things that you know the owners cherished as well. They are safe in your hands and what perfect storage holders for many needs about your home.

Glad you had such a fun day and thanks for sharing!

Lady Locust said...

Winnie just summed it up so well. They are beautiful baskets and hold lovely memories as well as eggs.
Hope you day is beautiful.

Prims By The Water said...

Lovely baskets. I have a thing for splint baskets myself. Janice

denise said...

love the baskets!