Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Monday, April 16, 2018

waiting .....

Nettie & i are waiting .....
waiting for nice weather ... waiting to get my spaces organized ...waiting to do bucket list ideas .... why do we wait so much ..... why can't i just jump in and do ........ 
i always feel like i need to get things in order ...... before .....
before what ...... i think it is time to just "do instead of  wait!"

....................... i am blessed !


Lady Locust said...

I’ve felt that too - a restlessness of sorts. I love that pix 😊💐

MyFarmhouseBlue said...
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MyFarmhouseBlue said...
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MyFarmhouseBlue said...
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Winnie said...

Good Morning Denise! This Spring has been a very cold and wet one. Even here in Florida, we have been way cooler than past years. You and Nettie Blue are not alone in your impatience either. I have been hearing the same comments from many of my friends in northern areas.

Like you, I sympathize with the bucket list of what I wish to complete and the whole enterprise being hung up on weather which we cannot change. Most of the time this problem catches me in the long hot and humid summers which deplete your energy and patience for weeeks and weeks. So, I am sending you some Florida sunshine and hugs to hang in there until Spring pushes Winter out for good!! Please give little Nettie Blue a pet for me. She is so sweet waiting patiently with you for sunshine and outside investigations. Fur friends are such a gift when we are stuck indoors!

Have a wonderful day and it is always wonderful to get some news from Mustard Seed Farm!! Looking forward to learning and seeing some of your completed projects on your bucket list in the coming months!!