Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

a quiet place.......

the gathering was postponed for a week due to illness.......
&........... now the house has quieted ............ where laughter & love was a quick magical moment......
i so miss the gatherings of the entire clan ( which is only ten) ......... it goes way too fast ..... but .....

...................... i am blessed!


Winnie said...

Happy New Year, Denise and I am so glad your family had some gathering time together! I have the same experience here at my home as my girls were here just a few days and then, poof, it was all over. They are cherished moments together and I guess my Mom used to feel the same way when her grown children had to go back to their own homes and lives.

May your 2019 be full of many blessings and happy times. Please give sweet Prairie Blue Kitty some loving pets from me too!!

Tiffany said...

Family are always wonderful to have close by