Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

antique song...... was the song of the six chicks....but I couldn't resist this reference................a wonderful day of just relaxing with friends, and new found friends.......................................a day of laughter............stories............sharing a passion for antiques...............................................a delicious meal and hospitality of a friend with recent health issues of her own......(i told her she needs to bottle her energy and sell it)...........nothing gets that chick down! was a much needed lift for the soul..........thank you so much dear friend.............................i am blessed! stop by for a visit with will be glad you did.......


Anonymous said...

sounds like a wonderful time between friends

Beckyjean said...

It's always fun to spend time with friends. It sounds like you had a fun time. I'm off to check out Brenda!

Enjoy your day~Becky

Vicki said...

Hey Chickadee....Wasn't yesterday just too fun!!?? I really enjoyed it and it was just
a wonderful day...Food,friends,and lots of laughs....It doesn't get any better than this..
Love ya...

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Sound like fun~