Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

building a wall.....

the antique fireplace mantle....................that was it.................when we built an addition onto our house ten years ago was a challenge to match things to our old home built in 1911...............................................this is our family room............planned around this antique mantle, the builders listened.............(thought i was crazy most of the time!)......i don't care for the brick, it was all i could find at the time......but it houses the t.v....................two doors with storage beside.................a little herb cubbie to the left.............and up high is more storage doors in the wasted has a gas log which has made it very cozy on those cold winter days.....................................................................would i change anything..........?.............probably given a chance and the money..............................but it is okay, i do like it.......................................................anyway.......................i am blessed! linking up with for my favorite wall...............i do have more, but no more time today...................blessings!


Lisa said...

What a lovely room. I can just imagine snuggling up in that chair and listening to the fire and hooking a pretty rug....on a cold winter night that is. However, I am definately ready for spring. Have a good day! Lisa

mary pernula said...

What a nice and cozy room, I really love your corner cubbord...............the primitives in the room make it x-tra cozy.....hugs Mary

Lil Raggedy Angie said...

I so Love your room! So prim and cozy ! thanks for sharing ! Enjoy your day and the display chain! Hugs
lil raggedy angie

Faye Henry said...

Hi... I love your wall and the rest of the room, too.. I just cannot get that much prim feeling in this house... Love it all.

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

So warm~ cozy~ welcoming!
Oh, I could relax in this room~
Love the wall!!!

prims by olde lady morgan said...

I so love it!!! Oh to have a fireplace! OLM

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

What a cozy room. I adore the corner cupboard. I also like the herb nook...I love all herbs and gardening with them. You've done a great job with this room!

Traci~Moon Gypsy said...

Looks so cozy and inviting, hand me a blanket and a good book....

Blessings, Traci

A Primitive Homestead said...

Beautiful inviting room. Blessings!

~Madalynne~ said...

Such a cozy room. You did a wonderful job designing it.

Kattywhompus Primitives said...

What a lovely spot. I think I could curl up here with a book and be satisfied for a long while. :) TFS

Angela said...

Hi, I am Angela, and have just become your newest follower. Just stumbled upon your blog and I fell in love with it. Love the wall on this post. The room spells welcome and cozy. love all the prims in there also. looking forward to visiting often. Would love for you to visit Thru Nanas Window, and become a follower back. Have a great day and thanks for sharing the photos.

Anonymous said...

I always love visiting your blog, a wonderful picture