Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

missing two....

this is my favorite picture of my Mom......her graduation picture...........honoring her today on Mother's Day...............

and this is one of my favorites of was his birthday.................................. so here i am this day....... honoring and missing them both..........................................

no wonder they loved each other since first grade.............perfect!............... blessed to have had wonderful, loving parents......but missing them both so much..........................i am blessed!


Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Such loving thoughts! It's my son Ben's birthday today too! You are indeed blessed that your parents had a strong and happy marriage. But, yes, missing them is hard indeed!

Lil Raggedy Angie said...

Such beautiful pictures and tribute , thanks for sharing ! A special love they shared , and Im sure they still share!Hugs for you friend , you are never alone they are always with you! Praying that you find comfort in happy memories! hugs
lil raggedy angie

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Such a lovely couple~ you can see their love~ your Mom so pretty and Dad very handsome,
They both look like they had some spunk in them!!!(cute!)
Wonderful tribute!

kelley said...

Your photos and thoughts of your parents brought tears to my eyes...seems they would have been around my parents age...87/88...I am fortunate to still have them both and treasure every blessed we are to have had loving, caring parents...

Trace4J said...

Love these pictures of your parents. YOUR MOTHER IS BEAUTIFUL. She looks like a old film star.
Just love love old pictures.
Thanks for sharing