Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Spring dreaming.....

the sweet smell of Spring in the air ...... yesterday I stood in the yard to just breath deeply ...... smell the dirt & soak in the sunshine .......... my days are dreaming of doing this in my yard ..... not sure about the Mr...... 
.............. i am blessed !


Winnie said...

Hola Denise from Lisbon Portugal!! Spring is happeneing here and here are so many different and lovely flowers to enjoy.

Prairie Blue... said...

Oh dear goodness sweet Winnie.... tell me moređź’™

Winnie said...

Denise, there are many daffodils, Hyacinths, and beginning tulips blooming now . Plus there are bushes that look like forsythtia and these trees called Judas trees that are covered in deep pink flowers. The foliage here is different as the land is semi arid in parts. Here in Lisbon, it is right on the Atlantic so it looks a bit like Florida with palm trees in addition to other trees that are new to me. There are lots of orange and lemon trees in groves and in small home areas.

The people of Spain and Portugal are so friendly and happy to help you . Both countries have been such a joy to visit and learn more about their ancient and interesting histories dating back to 30000 years ago with arrival of the Phoenicians. It is amazing to see towns with old Roman walls and castles mixed with modern living. Plus we have seen so many beautiful churches and learned about life so long ago. Such a priviledge this trip has been!

I've been wondering how the craft room project you spoke about in January has been coming along??? I look forward to seeing the creative things you came up with. I love he photos you have shared of that space in the past so I am sure it is going to be fun with a new look! Love those calico blues, wools, and other sewing needs that you have stored in that space. By the way, when is the Spring Neighborhood Tours take place? Inquiring minds want to know!!