Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

faithful ..............

we lost a true example of a "faithful servant" .......... so impressed that his casket was made by prisoners , in a very simple design, as was his wife's......... 

my thoughts have wandered all week to ....... how faithful am i.......  does my life show a faithful servant. ..... humble ...... kind ....... understanding ...... selfless ...... 

i find  ....... i may need to adjust a few things .........  i know i fail at so many ........ 
praying for a heart of a "faithful servant"

.................................. i am blessed !


Lady Locust said...

A beautiful casket. Sorry you've lost someone dear. I say God gave us memories so that they don't really die. Blessings~

Winnie said...

Our loved ones leave us too quickly. It reminds me that everyday we must never forget to to share, love, and be compassionate to those we know and those who also need our prayers

Anonymous said...

A beautiful casket.