Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Monday, April 18, 2011

a little melancholy....

i must admit......i have been a little melanacholy lately...........i think it is a number of things.....but i can't seem to keep up......................................there are many joys.........but you know how you have those days...............the days of remembering..... a walk in the woods with mom & daddy when i was little....(and falling in the creek).......................the weekend jeep rides with granny & grandad with a picnic of cheese, crackers & bologna..............the memories have been flooding with me lately.......................................but oh my...............................i am so blessed!
"and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will gaurd your hearts and your minds.......Phillipians 4:7


Kattywhompus Primitives said...

Know...that your posts always bring a sweetness to my days. :)

bettyj said...

Memories are Gods gift to us. I, too have been having my "memory moments" as I call them. Let's be grateful for happy memories.

Penny said...

Oh -- do I ever have those days, too! I think I just need a good cry from time to time.... I am then able to regroup and carry on.....
I, too, am ever so grateful for happy memories!

Anonymous said...

Having the same kind of day, worked hard, really hard outside, am so tired I could just drop, if only I could sleep a bit. Then there I was sitting in the driveway, resting in my car a bit, and all of a sudden, I missed my Mama. She's been gone on to Jesus 8 yrs. now, and missing her was raw & fresh. Just for a minute or two, I'd like to hug her, and smell her Coty face powder. Am so thankful my Lord holds me in His arms, when I am weak & weary. Needin' Him today too..,,,

grandma peden's porch said...

i think we all have those days. i was cleaning out a dresser and found one of the last pictures my grandparents had taken and the tears flooded me i miss them dearly. the days of setting at the kitchen table and playing solitare. gosh i miss them so i know exactly how you feel.

Susannah said...

Ahhh... this is a post after my own heart. This has touched my soul deeply and flooded me with many loving memories of my Mom and Dad. Thank you so much. We need to remember................. and tell our kids.
