Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Friday, October 28, 2011

another corner.......

looking for something to share real quick today..........................(need to keep stuffing those Santa's you know)...............................................................anyway........................34 yrs ago when we bought our house.....our neighbors that previously lived here, built a new home up the road from us..................about four yrs ago they decided to move to town.................and were having a yard sale..........................he was a former postman, and had bought this yrs ago when the post office in town moved..........................................well, long story short..................i fell in love with it......$25...WOW!...................only catch, it is all one piece, can't be moved much (way too heavy).....................and would only fit in the french doors that have a double open corner or the other..........................that is it for this piece, but i love it........................ ...................................................................... i am blessed!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


in moving a few images around yesterday, i ran across this one i have saved for my "Queen for a Day" classes i have took me back to a time of being a little girl and watching "Queen for a Day" on t.v. with my my little girl mind....i imagined.....thinking to had to be the most wonderful thing, to be crowned......with the velvet robe & crown and all the prizes that came with the title.........................................oh how things have life...and on t.v..................where has the innocence gone ......of childhood......on the life.............................................maybe it is time to realize i am a queen after all....................................................................... i really am......................because..........................................i am blessed!

Monday, October 24, 2011

a morning greeting.....

out my window..........barely sun up this single cow in if he is giving me a morning greeting...................................................i think he is saying......."get to that sewing machine".........................................moooooooooooooove it girl !...................... ............................................................................. i am blessed !

Saturday, October 22, 2011

today's work....

today is work at the sewing machine.........................................this one is much more inviting than mine.............................................but it soothes my soul to look at this and stitch away.....................oh how these two openhouses have ran together............................anyway........ thank you Lord, that i have a sewing machine......want to sew........and time today to do so.............i am blessed!

Friday, October 21, 2011

with these hands.................

don't you just love that is one of my favorites.............and love this Maggie Bonanomi ALL her books..................but going through things today to trace, cut, sew...................................i was reminded of these words....................what a gift it is to be able to create........."with these hands".................... thank you Lord........................................... i am blessed!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

snow is coming.......

wellllllllll maybe not really snow........................................but snowmen are on their way to the shop......................................always a little tricky getting the "first" of anything tweaked the right way........................................i think he is ready for his final "tweaking" or maybe i should say "frosting"....................................let it snow.....let it snow....let it snow.............................not the real stuff! ............................................. i am blessed!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

little things....

yes......................................................................... ...................................................... i am blessed!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

a make~do....

i have been away, visiting our daughter & family......& attending my first grandparents day with our Carter..(kindergarten)........what a joy it was watching a little fella learning songs & sharing his artwork & special booklet for Grammy & Grandpa......................needless to say, i am very proud & honored to be his since returning home, i just grabbed one of my favorite cabinets to show .........................and it is definitely a make~do.......................bought two seperate places at two seperate times.....................i love the bottom with a touch of red paint, and meal bin............this little shelf was perfect for the top..................on top are three blue stoneware crocks that i got at a yardsale for $5 ea..........they have multiple cracks from a bad ebay deal she said.........but i care not..................everything i have has a crack.........a tear...........a wobble...............................well, you get the picture............................................................ ..................................................................... i am blessed!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


one of my all time favorite things to wear is chambray..............................i have heard it is back in' shall i admit, that i never knew it went out..................................i love the feel..........................the color..........................the comfort of a great chambray shirt...........................oh yeah, i even bought a pair of skinny jeans...............................................shall i put my "chambray" on with my "skinny"...............................or is that just a little too much.......! ................................................ i am blessed!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

an ordinary autumn day.....

remember the "branch" ........................this is back at the top of the hill in Granny & Grandad's backyard...............................just a typical autumn day...................Granny grabbed a camera and captured one of our family's most precious memories of Grandad...................carrying the scraps out to the chickens with all the kitties along for the can one photo capture everything you feel about one makes me smile and cry at the same time........................................................recently my cousin & i visited the homeplace, where a couple has transformed this property with such dignity & vision for being true to the property....and operate a large animal veterinary clinic.....(Gran was so pleased!) we toured the house and i looked out the upstairs window into this very yard.....................the tears came.............................. many wonderful memories given, and shared from two wonderful proud.................and.............. ..........................................i am so blessed!

Friday, October 7, 2011

reminders in the corner........

remember there is not much space in my craft room.....and the only wall space is this little section of wonderful reminders.........................first off a silver tray that i won for best booth space at "old settler's days" in 1983................the plaque is for overall best booth exhibit at the Monroe Co. Fair in 1986...............................but my most prized possessions.......four samplers.......three made by dear friends for me......................................and the most precious made by my Marah is the mustard seed verse.............................they all give me strength and remind me every day...... give thanks with a grateful will not stumble while on your knees..............and..............if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible..................................................i am blessed !

Thursday, October 6, 2011

the gravy bowl......

nothing sounded good to eat i made popcorn...........................and i grabbed the fried potato-gravy bowl that was used weekly growing up...................................fried foods were a given at our house and this was always the bowl that Mom used...................we either had fried potatoes with something........................................ or biscuits & gravy..........................................Mom did not like to cook very much....(she would rather be sewing)....or anything else............................................But she made the best white cream gravy & fried chicken ..............................................oh i can taste it now...............................can't make it like her at all........................but the memory.................................precious ................................................................... i am blessed!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 guessed is flu season.......................................good day to just lay around and watch one of my that movie................
i met a young lady over the weekend, this movie came up...........................she didn't know it........i started to explain the actresses and realized, this was going nowhere...................i'm old.....and this wonderful movie that i have watched over & over............that is my joy.......................will probably never be seen by this young lady............................oh i wish she knew the joy...............and hope she doesn't get the flu! .........................................................sniff, sniff........ahhhhhhchoo............................ i am blessed!