seems like two of my favorite memories kept sweeping over me, every time i was out shopping...........when "silver bells" would play during a shopping memory took me back to my daddy was his favorite....................................................and many times out of the corner of my eye, i would see boxes of cherry cordials, and think of my was her favorite! Grandad always bought her a box at Christmas and for her birthday........after he passed, i tried to do the same.........
....................................................................... i am blessed !
Prairie Blue
Monday, December 23, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
at my desk.......
hoping to get back in the groove.......back at my desk.......back at my computer.....................very....soon!
the kitchen counter is painted....cupboards cleaned..........ready to get things in order around here.....been neglected way to long............................goodness....i am organizing files......cabinets.....what is next??? never knows, i am on a roll!..........................................................i am blessed !
Thursday, November 14, 2013
the whites..........
it is a well known fact that our house is dark..........i like dark wood patina.....dark fabrics.........low watt bulbs.....dark wools......dark coverlets.......dark chocolate (gosh where did that come from!).......but........this is one Mom's white is so not me....but i have so come to love takes a prominent location in the dining room, with the dark floor....dark walls.....dark furniture...............but so gives me a feeling of joy....sunshine.....and bright new beginnings for every day!
.................................................................... i am blessed !
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
things of open house.......
our youngest daughter and her three little ones surprised us for the second day of openhouse......first time we have all been together in months..............Grammy's helpers (taking a break)
hot spiced tea........popcorn.......m&m's..............................the openhouse must haves......!
i have always wanted a picture of the cars lined up during openhouse.........i have always been told, how long the line is.....................always too busy to take a peek, and too busy to have anyone snap the picture.........this is the third day, so the crowd was a little slower.....but sweet mr. prairie blue, grabbed the camera for this shot................................................
now.....................time for life to get somewhat back to know what that means?...............fixing the leaky faucet....sink....paint the countertop (which began today).......the mr. is getting better every day......went back to let's get this place fixed!!!.................................................................................... i am blessed !
Saturday, October 26, 2013
on this quiet day........
not long ago.....i posted how i liked every our house is quiet, as mr. prairie blue is still recovering from surgery.....................oh how so much has been taken out of is a little more of a recovery than we expected.....better every day....but slow....tiring....the days are long for he is napping in the other room (so unlike him)......i am trying to go about things, puttering about.....trying to be quiet...yet accomplish something...............after all....openhouse is a week and a half away...........................................................yet.............i am still blessed !
Monday, October 21, 2013
there are days..........
you ever just have those wake up on the wrong side of the bed.........everything makes you feel want to stay in see way too many things you aren't getting done.........not enough hours in the day, and if there were more still don't want to do the things you need to do..............................then you just stop......take a look around.........realize how lucky you are to still have a husband that survived a ruptured appendix......that your eyes are wide open at the possibilities of what could have been.....................and have a little talk with yourself......and realize......
.................................................................... i am blessed !
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
a "hard day's work"......
.............................................................. i am blessed !
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I smiled.........
today.......on this beautiful fall i walk through one end of the house to the other.........i realized....i had the radio on in the shop..........the t.v. on in the keeping room.....and the radio on in the garage.........
then.......i flashed back to visits at Mamaw Hill's house..........a house full of nic nacs......treasures of all sorts......beautiful pictures from the magazines stuck to the walls with scotch tape......granite pans lining the stove top......the old formica table top loaded ..........the player piano in the corner......and the radio....and t.v. on at the same time.............i am so much like her......i like noise.......i love to craft & create, i think i got that from her as on this day......i am flashing back to wonderful memories of a wonderful time .....and i smile....!
................................................................................. i am blessed !
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
waiting for repair.......
while waiting for repairs on our washer..................the laundry goods are resting on a table in the keeping the sun was shining through the window this just the right all looked so beautiful to me...........................................
.......................all because we are just waiting on a repair........................................................................................... i am blessed !
Friday, September 20, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
guess what day it is......
uh oh............guess what day it is................
(thought i should clarify........Marah is our daughter, i am holding her sweet look a like, Mayah)
........................................................... i am blessed !
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
the great pumpkin pick.......
a little four day trip to visit our daughter & family........but before leaving i wanted to buy one of Carter's first pumpkins.......he had his own & whites...........the patch did not do so well this year...lesson learned for an eager little guy........
i did get to purchase one of his three blue about that smile of pride!
Mayah picked out one for Grammy...............
and Cooper did too.........................................................................oh what lessons these little ones are learning......................................................i am blessed !
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
15 shades...........
yes.......15 shades............................................and a finished product !
................................................. i am blessed !
................................................. i am blessed !
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
tears of pride......
well my some of you know, our daughter & her husband have a corn maze & u-pick pumpkin patch........they have worked VERY hard over the last four years to build up a business......and always trying to come up with something bigger and better.........we just received this this morning....and i must say...i still cry everytime i watch it........please share in our joy & pride for them.......................and check them out on facebook.......
........................................ i am blessed !
Sunday, August 25, 2013
in the wool room.......
i love textiles......................always has been one of my favorites.....................started collecting antique clothing probably over 30 yrs. ago................couldn't afford a blue calico dress...then...or now!................... i also love anything to do with spinning (although i do not know how, but would love to learn).........the spinning wheel collection is constantly growing............and i have decided to stock up with parts, and assemble "make-do" spinning wheels for the shop.......what fun that will be...just to see what can happen with pieces here and there...but for is just a tiny little place in the wool room.......
............................................... i am blessed !
Friday, August 23, 2013
a little plaid memory......
ran across this photo instantly took me back to my Mom's closet.......for some reason ......alot of her clothing looked like this...............a few years ago...i gathered them up and had quilts made for the girls and i........Lisa, the quilt lady did a wonderful job....even saving the tags and labels inside, adding them along with some ribbon wonderful that some of the tags were......Luv & Hugs......................God is in the details!..................
......................................................... i am blessed !

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
just a corner.......
it is just a corner of the kitchen..........the place where...the grands know Grandpa's cookie jar is........the grain box where i keep my cookbooks........the cutting boards covering the old speckled countertop..........the light that fills this is just a corner in the kitchen.......
..................................................................... i am blessed !
Monday, August 19, 2013
my $2 treasure............i don't know why i love old barns, or... anything that relates to one.......i always see the cow feeders in the barn lot and love them as much as the barn.....
thus this story begins.......... we were at one of our son-in-laws auctions last Fri....mainly to bid for someone else on something.......walking through the barnlot...i happened to "fall in love with this feeder" priaire blue said he didn't mind if i bid........
my heart raced as Stephen asked for the bid.....he got $1.....i got it for $ prairie blue laughing & son in law shaking his head.........
it is still safely in the truck bed as i make a decision for it's new home........
mr. prairie blue even asked the other day if i would like to ride in the back and enter a parade.........there is a thought!...............
......................................................................... i am blessed !
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
listen closely.........can you hear these hands speaking...................................i am sure she is sitting on her porch....preparing the evening meal....................later on...she will fill the canning jars to save for future days, the labor of her hands............................i am sure earlier in the day she has lifted the corner of her apron, to wipe the sweat from her brow.....or maybe to dry a tear or two......................oh my......if we just listen ever so closely .........we can hear someone speak through their hands........
.................................... i am blessed !

Thursday, July 11, 2013
these girls...........Minerva !
i by accident fell in love with these girls one day....................and................have never looked back......they captured my heart....and found loving homes in two of our rooms....... 
these red ones live in the "red grand's room" upstairs.....................along with these other gals in another corner.......................don't you love how different they all are.....some tall...some short....some skinny.....some a little chubby........just like all of least i don't know anyone "headless"!.....................................i would like to think....they are all friends...and.....keep each other company......and tell their inner most secrets to each other!
.................i am blessed !
Saturday, July 6, 2013
for some reason........this photo just makes me the way.......had so many reasons to smile this last week...for the whole week.................caring for three of our grands.........and three times during the week, got to see all four of our grands together.......what joy............that is why i am smiling....................................hope to be back at the blog soon! ................
................................................... i am blessed !

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
the light...............
ever think about what light does for us.............................guides our way..............when you open a door, and the light floods in to direct our steps......................helps us to see words, that give us comfort & help with decisions..............................may you have "the light" help with all things..................................
Friday, June 21, 2013
summer time............................
.................................................... i am blessed !
Thursday, June 20, 2013
still smiling...........................
it has been one of those impromtu sort of days....................what started out as sort of a business, type adventure for friends..............just took a fly by the seat of your pants kind of day...............and we ran with it!...............visited a few antique shops.....had a wonderful lunch at "Spring Mill Park Inn"......headed back to one gal's home (brainstormed a bit) about rearranging furniture...................i am filled with such know how there are certain people that are easy to be around......make you laugh (till you want to pee your pants!) ........make you feel like you just smile....all the way home!
...............................................thanks girls.......................................i am blessed !
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
a little chuckle........
during open house, i have found that just about anything can thing that repeatedly happens is people peeking in the shower.......shower curtain always pulled back, just a little for a peek of (i don't know of what!) i don't get that one........................but this time......i had a little chuckle ......... in our half bath is the old "pay toilet" sign.......look closely.....there are two nickels in the candle holder.......................just left me with a chuckle & i am enjoying them there for you remember pay toilets?..............i do.....i think that makes me old!
....................................................... i am blessed !
Monday, June 17, 2013
take time to relax............................
it is just one of those days................monday...............can't get motivated.............need to do so much.............but..........would rather just take some time to relax with a glass of tea!
welllllllllllllllll..........................maybe i will do just that !.................................................i am blessed!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
a simple thing.........
one of my earliest memories of my Daddy, was the smell of limestone............................stone was his passion.............................i know i have shown this picture of him before, but not only the thoughts of father's day.....but limestone month here in Indiana have been overwhelming in my heart.............
i still can hear the hum of the air compressor ........the air chissel in his hands...............the sight of tracking limestone dust accross the floor (!).............always in suspense as the semi delivered shipments, wondering if they would make it off the highway without a disaster...................the joy on his face with a new invention of his or the discovery of a new technique..................pure joy when someone would ask about his craft (i think it was an art...a gift!)
i still have many of his limestone pieces, couldn't part with one..........(that is another post!).........i have moved a few of them around this week into the landscaping.......................this one piece is so simple.....just a high way sign......................but so precious..........i couldn't part with it for years now it has been the step into our screened porch, off of our bedroom...................i love how the moss has grown over top.................but everytime i step onto it....i think of my Daddy and his passion.......................just a simple thing...........................................i am blessed !
Friday, June 14, 2013
i do feel like things might be getting back to normal around here...................what is normal anyway?.......................
after we returned from Mao Clinic i had to make a quick decision whether or not to do open house with "country neighbors"...................brochures were printed & in i go ahead....or drop out...........................i knew i couldn't do EVERYTHING i needed to be just opted to ready the yard, and ready the house that had been so overly neglected since Christmas.......................the shop was cleaned, with no new items for the tour except the ivy that i always know what?..................i was okay with it all...............a peace & acceptance of the way it had to be (my new philosophy - "it is what it is").........................all was well................enjoyed my well groomed clean and orderly house........................and welcomed my guests & friends & Megan was well enough to help & greet so many that have been praying for i can move on to normal................ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................................................................i am blessed!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
the journey........
.....................over the past several months, almost six to be exact........we have been helping our daughter and family to help deal with some of her health issues...........................because of her weakened immune system from Crohn's, she has dealt with one thing after the other.............unable to care for her three year old alot of the time, a husband who does need to work when he can.......8 hospital stays since December and lost track of the E.R. grateful for all of the prayers....prayer chains.....prayer warriors that were called on time and time again..................................finally after a visit to Mao Clinic in Minnesota a week ago, we feel that we finally have some answers...............but most of all was the night she was taken to the E.R. and admitted to the hospital....when a sister early that Sunday morning was used of God to be annointed in her place.....when many joined in prayer across the state and she felt the hand of God touch her in that hospital God still in we doubt we get impatient & wonder when will He answer~certainly....................but i am here to tell you today she has felt His healing we all wish to take a six month journey~no ............................but i do know when God says, "let's take this journey....I will be with you!"............i will be the first to say "let me go along!"
hoping to be back to normal soon & back to have the "want to" do some old things i have loved........including my blog....picturetrail.....openhouses..............right now i need to gather myself and reclaim my desire....................................................i am blessed & God is so good!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
weather related.......!
you know what i mean when i say "weather related" know.......those days when it is feel just overwhelmed...snowed in so to speak.......................or......those rainy days you just want to go back to bed and sleep it away..............................or those sun shiny days when the possiblities are can conquer could use some of those..............for the last few weeks....................."weather related" has taken on the meaning of "under the weather!" tired of feeling crummy.....too dizzy to accomplish anything.....including a blog, that i love to do! for now, i will hope i can start the turn around and be as perky....i can do it all kind of weather...............................hope to be normal again soo.....please bare with me & hang on........................................
..........................................................................i am blessed........and i KNOW God is in control!
..........................................................................i am blessed........and i KNOW God is in control!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
b still my heart....
................................................................. i am blessed !
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
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