Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Thursday, December 31, 2020

aren’t we all cracked & wired together..... reason......i just like everyone foot in front of the other....
when our reality changes ...... we change ......... mercy ..... grace ...... & prayer to pull us all through these last few months     (that i see has almost been a year that i met you here last) ........... we are all fine ..... healthy & doing only the necessary things..... 
no open houses this year ....... but moments of stepping out of my box completely & doing “live video” Sales on Facebook “MUSTARD SEED MONDAY” 
my friends ...... when God calls us to step out in faith & completely out of our box ....... it is time to step .... no matter how “cracked or wired together” we might be ........ He is there to hold us together!!!!! 
i am back ......& I will be better .... do better ....

.................. i am blessed 💙🕯