Prairie Blue
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
lighting the way......
the people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.....For unto us a child is born. Isaiah 9: 2, 6
.................................................................. i am blessed !
Sunday, November 27, 2011
shall we begin.....
this is one of the shots from the "Country Sampler" shoot.............................i love it that Mom's butcher block is front and center.............seems it puts her right in the middle of it...................oh my goodness, she would have been so excited for the whole process and it actually happening.......(this was actually shot in January of this year, so, seems like it just happened!) here it is again..........................time to pull out all the trees...............the lights...............the tinsel & baubles.....................the Santa collection.................and along the way..............................................................remembering EXACTLY WHY WE CELEBRATE!.........................................
and.....................i am blessed because of it!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
a little Granny story.....
a week of thankfulness...................................(should be every week shouldn't it?).....................anyway, in Gran's photos was this one of "Tom".............(knowing nothing about turkeys i am just repeating the story).....Mom told the story of the only time she saw Granny cry, was during a rain storm, trying to save her turkeys ......(i have been told that a turkey will stand in the rain and drown....!................................)...................thinking of Granny alot this week......missing her more everyday..............wishing i had taken the time to stop in more often....................wishing for her hugs & know......just wishing.............but.......................then stopping, remembering all those wonderful moments, and treasuring them forever......................................................
yes, treasured memories...........................................i am blessed !

since this post, i recieved a call from my cousin ..................Granny was raising these turkeys for Christmas shopping money....................definitely explains the tears and probably the impact it had on the family memory ......i am sure my Mom must have seen Gran cry at other times.....but this is the one time my Mom could not forget......................thanks Patti Grace for the rest of the story!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
i so wish.......
i so wish i had know, the REAL ones............................ mr. prairie blue says....NO...............................................a girl can wish can't she.....................................
.................................................................... i am blessed!
sharing another friend....
i wanted to share a very special lady............................i am sure alot of you already know Vicki........this was her openhouse glad i got to stop in and visit for awhile........seems those times are few&far between lately..............but i still love her so..................................stop by for a visit on her blog, then go to her picturetrail from there...... you will be so glad you did
........................................................ i am blessed!

Thursday, November 17, 2011
sharing a friend...
i just recieved my January issue of Country Sampler................................and wanted to quickly share a friend with you.....................................i am sure alot of you already stop in to visit her daily on her blog......... but if you haven't, now is the time to get acquainted.........................................this gal has more energy than anyone i know and can get more done..........................whew.........................wears me out..............................her home is amazing and constantly changing.......................................and.................................always is wonderful................just wanted to share a friend....................................congrats Brenda & Loren!
another little corner....
this is a corner in the room we now call the buttery...............................before the remodel it was my laundry room.......(my favorite room)...............................................plans change in life and things don't always stay the same.......................................................anyway, when we first remodeled, we had this as our dining room, so Daddy could wheel his wheelchair to the dining table...................(someday i will go into the whole story of the remodel etc.).....................this is an old cupboard i found farely reasonable ..................................alot of my old canned goods were gifted to me from church friends ..................................................
........................................................................... i am blessed!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
just a little thing....
you know..........sometimes, it is just the little things that make us saving, and framing this tiny piece of antique blue calico...................................................
.............................................................................. i am blessed!
Monday, November 14, 2011
three days......
three days.............of making new friends...........greeting the familiar faces of years of visits......lots of laughing, giggles..........stories.........stories of people lost and laughing because of it........spice tea.......popcorn.....................................oh how my heart has been touched once to pick up the unorganized pieces left behind and move on to the Christmas Tea.........................................
............................................................... i am blessed!
Friday, November 11, 2011
thank you....
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
just breathe....
welllllllll.............................. the shop is finished..................... on to cleaning the house today.......................................i am a little more calm .......just trying to wrap up loose ends at this point........................................ and........................... just are a few green bean, cranberrie garlands........... got the idea from Lori these!
..................................................................... i am blessed!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
as we speak......
well.............................i am feeling a little overwhelmed..........trying to get things finished up for the openhouse...........never enough time it seems..................never get things all done that i want.............never get to the great ideas in my head that just don't get as we speak, emotions are running high................................i am feeling a little blue, and would rather go to bed and pull the covers over my head...................................but instead, i will head back to the shop to clean and rearrange.........................even as we speak.........................i know..............
............................................... i am blessed

Thursday, November 3, 2011
winding things up....?
well.........................i have three working days left before readying the shop & house for next weeks open house................................................i have been awake since 3 a.m. and decided at 4 to give in.............i am wound up................finishing up some projects...........i hope i am starting to wind things up around here............................................
................................................................... i am blessed!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
thank you.....
thank you Lord for another new........................beautiful day.............................................may i not waste it and accomplish is a gift...........................
.................................................................................. i am blessed!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
remembering today......
today would have been mom & daddy's wedding anniversary.........................i never forget...........i do forget alot of things, but for some reason this date, always stays with me........................just like their you mom & daddy...................and miss you so much!
..................................................................... i am certainly blessed!

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