Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Thursday, November 29, 2012

cranberry run...... was a run for the cranberries today..............................time to set the table for my "Christmas Tea"..............25 bags of berries.......a candle here and there......a flicker of light......and almost ready to greet .................................................
.............................................. i am blessed !

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

morning greeting......

the most pleasant of morning greetings............i love to walk through this room in the early morning, to the twinkling of the little white there anything more calming.........
shall the decorating begin..........half way there!................................................
................................................... i am blessed !

Thursday, November 22, 2012

blessed & thankful....

Lord....i thank you for my blessings & a wonderful heritage ..............................may this day find you filled with a thankful heart as well...........................blessed & overflowing !
............................................................................ i am blessed !

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

pin it....

i think maybe i have shown this before.......but out of the corner of my eye today, a glimpse of many stories...........i love old pin cushions........and these are a few of my favs from my craft room wall.........the old rolled oats box was left at Mamaw's without a home.......filled with crochet thread and a tiny worked piece or two along with the hooks..............the blue satin heart was my Mom's, for as long as i remember it sat in her dresser drawer, i do think she made it.........the old crochet hats were my Great Grandmother's & the old leather baby shoe was just a treasure i picked up along the way.................................isn't it amazing at the styles....items....perfect goods...that are found to just make a pin cushion................a necessity......making~do with what they had...............
oh the stories.......the hands these priceless things have passed through.......oh what treasures....the real meaning of "pin it"!.................................................................i am blessed !

Friday, November 16, 2012


it has been a long week of coughs......sneezing .........sore throat..............................but i did get out this morning for my friend Vicki's openhouse.....................WONDERFUL as usual, and so nice to visit with friends & meet some new ones....................................but............came home to a relaxing recliner, and this view out the i try to keep the chill off, sniffle & sneeze in the warmth of my home........................................................................
..................................... i am blessed !

Monday, November 12, 2012

the patchwork......

do you ever stop to think about all of the patchwork that goes into our life..........i certainly have the last couple of days............................with another openhouse come and gone......and the abundant blessings i have experienced.......i have been thinking how everything is patched together, at just the right moment....with just the right thread weaving throughout...........
the needle out and threaded with a daughter helping for two days....and the other & her little ones, surprising me on the last day..............a friend showing up with a bowl of soup & had prayed for me all week.............a couple of customers, that i have been very concerned about & not seen for awhile.....(relieved they are okay!) so many new people, my mind can't comprehend.......................amazing to me how God, lays out all the fabric.....i thread the needle and God Himself just stitches away on the patchwork of my life....................
............................................................................i am CERTAINLY blessed !

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

a morning chuckle.....

i ran across this photo this morn, and it took me back to over thirty years was the night before my first open house........i had sent mr. prairie blue after "large red apples...and make sure they sit flat".....................would have loved to have been a little bug to watch him trying out each apple!............oh the insanity my family has had to indure during this time of year......thank you is never enough for my two girls and mostly mr. prairie blue......he goes above & beyond ......and once again........................i am ready to go at it again tomorrow................!
............................................................................................... i am blessed !

Saturday, November 3, 2012

sunlight in the trees......

it looks like a little miniature forest..................oh the joys of a rusty can......rusty stars......and twigs.............................what a fun afternoon it was......with sunlight in the trees............................................................................!
............................................................ i am blessed !

Thursday, November 1, 2012

it began......

my love for the old......antique.......worn......aged .......loved goods...........................began with this small pewter pot..........missing her lid....a dent here & very first antique purchase forty one years ago..................$5...........and probably $5 that i didn't even have to spare....but oh so loved & cherished...............even after all these years!
...................................................................... i am blessed !