the morning started off pretty good.......up at to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.............

welllllllll......... the next thing i knew as i turned to the pantry pot was leaking under all of my cutting boards that cover this (very ugly, old, white speckled) countertop..........i have needed to clean, and wanted to rearrange the countertops......JUST NOT TODAY!!! at 6:30a.m. i am enhaling bleach as i cleaned the countertops..................UGH..................
so some point today ....................these items, will be rearranged...........finding a new location..........................
and, by the you spy the jar of m&m's ........doesn't everyone need a stash somewhere......
oh..................then................forgot to mention...............i was going to have to tackle this pantry today too...................(because of those pesky little moths).............once again.....UGH......and.......JUST NOT TODAY! been wanting to prim this up and make it at least cool looking and satisfying to me when i open the door.......................................
just goes to show you...............................things don't always go according to OUR plan.................sometimes in life........things just take a different turn...................been seeing alot of that lately.......................i know, without a doubt.....................GOD IS IN CONTROL!
will post pictures of the finished projects later............................................i am blessed !