.....................over the past several months, almost six to be exact........we have been helping our daughter and family to help deal with some of her health issues...........................because of her weakened immune system from Crohn's, she has dealt with one thing after the other.............unable to care for her three year old alot of the time, a husband who does need to work when he can.......8 hospital stays since December and lost track of the E.R. visits....................so grateful for all of the prayers....prayer chains.....prayer warriors that were called on time and time again..................................finally after a visit to Mao Clinic in Minnesota a week ago, we feel that we finally have some answers...............but most of all was the night she was taken to the E.R. and admitted to the hospital....when a sister early that Sunday morning was used of God to be annointed in her place.....when many joined in prayer across the state and she felt the hand of God touch her in that hospital room........................is God still in control~yes..............do we doubt sometimes~yes...............do we get impatient & wonder when will He answer~certainly....................but i am here to tell you today she has felt His healing touch.............do we all wish to take a six month journey~no ............................but i do know when God says, "let's take this journey....I will be with you!"............i will be the first to say "let me go along!"
hoping to be back to normal soon & back to have the "want to" do some old things i have loved........including my blog....picturetrail.....openhouses..............right now i need to gather myself and reclaim my desire....................................................i am blessed & God is so good!