Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Saturday, October 26, 2013

on this quiet day........

not long ago.....i posted how i liked every our house is quiet, as mr. prairie blue is still recovering from surgery.....................oh how so much has been taken out of is a little more of a recovery than we expected.....better every day....but slow....tiring....the days are long for he is napping in the other room (so unlike him)......i am trying to go about things, puttering about.....trying to be quiet...yet accomplish something...............after all....openhouse is a week and a half away...........................................................yet.............i am still blessed !

Monday, October 21, 2013

there are days..........

you ever just have those wake up on the wrong side of the bed.........everything makes you feel want to stay in see way too many things you aren't getting done.........not enough hours in the day, and if there were more still don't want to do the things you need to do..............................then you just stop......take a look around.........realize how lucky you are to still have a husband that survived a ruptured appendix......that your eyes are wide open at the possibilities of what could have been.....................and have a little talk with yourself......and realize......
.................................................................... i am blessed !

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

a "hard day's work"......

i have been keeping the oven HOT...........first the faux pies...........yesterday the was plum puddings............................oh i have just been keeping the oven hot.........back tomorrow.....!
.............................................................. i am blessed !