Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Saturday, November 23, 2013

at my desk.......

hoping to get back in the groove.......back at my desk.......back at my computer.....................very....soon!
the kitchen counter is painted....cupboards cleaned..........ready to get things in order around here.....been neglected way to long............................goodness....i am organizing files......cabinets.....what is next??? never knows, i am on a roll!
..........................................................i am blessed !

Thursday, November 14, 2013

the whites..........

it is a well known fact that our house is dark..........i like dark wood patina.....dark fabrics.........low watt bulbs.....dark wools......dark coverlets.......dark chocolate (gosh where did that come from!).......but........this is one Mom's white is so not me....but i have so come to love takes a prominent location in the dining room, with the dark floor....dark walls.....dark furniture...............but so gives me a feeling of joy....sunshine.....and bright new beginnings for every day!
.................................................................... i am blessed !

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

things of open house.......

our youngest daughter and her three little ones surprised us for the second day of openhouse......first time we have all been together in months..............Grammy's helpers (taking a break)
 hot spiced tea........popcorn.......m&m's..............................the openhouse must haves......!

i have always wanted a picture of the cars lined up during openhouse.........i have always been told, how long the line is.....................always too busy to take a peek, and too busy to have anyone snap the picture.........this is the third day, so the crowd was a little slower.....but sweet mr. prairie blue, grabbed the camera for this shot................................................
now.....................time for life to get somewhat back to know what that means?...............fixing the leaky faucet....sink....paint the countertop (which began today).......the mr. is getting better every day......went back to let's get this place fixed!!!
.................................................................................... i am blessed !