Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Friday, February 14, 2014

when you are loved.......

i don't know about you......but it is the tiniest of little things, that make you know you are the moment friends ask you to go along for lunch and a mani.............or the times that someone pays for your lunch in line at McDonalds..............or ends a phone call with "i love you"..............or simply gives you a hug for no reason...................i am amazed at all the ways we love to others, whether we know them or not..................not only on this day, but everyday! ..........................................wearing my Granny's black onyx ring everyday....and honoring her today on her birthday!............................I loved her so!
....................................................... I am blessed !

Sunday, February 2, 2014

a Sunday.....

just a typical Sunday.....................up early........first to church to open the doors.....turn on a furnace (trying to conserve from the 9 that we have, combining classes) views....through new eyes............................when we step out of our box , and look at things through different is amazing how the world opens up....................................hearing a young man preach that was in our daughter's class, and feeling so proud of who he has become.....................anticipating the arrival of our new minister tomorrow...............................yes, to some it might just be a Sunday..........................but to has seemed to open a whole new world.......a world of beginnings!
............................................................... i am blessed !