Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Sunday, August 31, 2014


do you ever stop to think of all the tools we use............................from day to night...we pick up objects...go about our daily business and use one tool after the other..........some days more that others.........all i am going to say have sure had a work out around here glad i have them to help accomplish those daily tasks...............................................................
..................................................................... i am blessed !

Thursday, August 28, 2014

much to do........

ever have one of those mornings you wake up and think.......oh there is much to do...............well there is much to do.......but.........i promised i would be back and i am trying to do just that...............i am home.....and i am blessed !

Monday, August 25, 2014

where have I been..........................

honestly..........................i don't know where i have been................a short little vacation with our whole family.................a daughter coming home for a week with three little ones & a desire to can peaches & pickles...................a little of this.....of that.......................of posting on facebook occasionaly instead of here....................all of a sudden, i so missed my home here........i longed for coming back, not for a visit....but to reconnect with old friends....myself....and Prairie Blue..................i love it here.....i will be back....i will not stay away so long...............i am home.......................and..............i am blessed!
and............................thank you Mike for helping me get my blogger figured out!