Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


there are some days that all i have to do is look out in this pasture..... PEACE!    
i am blessed...... and thank you Lord for peace!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

these days

these days seem to be dwindling down.... the days of summer seem to be changing to cooler evenings....  i feel  autumn in the air.... do you? ........     much has been accomplished here at prairie blue...... besides fighting the critters... we have painted shutters.... mended screens.... painted the porch & ready to tackle a few cooler projects........  i am blessed!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

who is guitly.....???? one of you critters, please step forward.........UGH! of these critters is responsible for no WiFi for the electronic stuff.....digging HUGE holes.....chewing the telephone lines in two, and chewing up a total of three different wires........then it threw the whole router into a tale spin ............ mr. prairie blue fixed the dug up...chewed again!!!! is the explanation of where i have been...and where i may be in future days................................stay tuned.....................................i am still blessed anyway!!!!