when i opened the cupboard door.......memories washed over me & i was taken back to my childhood....filled with times of love & warmth that i never want to forget.....
this sweet lidded crock sat on the back of the stove...filled with bacon grease....the salt shaker close by....
we had neighbors (Clyde & Ev) that lived up the road from us....it was a treat to stop in for a visit with them......having no children of their own, i felt special...loved...& welcome when i would stop by.......one day, Ev gifted me (Josephine, their nickname for me) with this delicate little flower pot......don't know how i have kept it safe all these years.................................................
my Mamaw Hill had the gift of painting bottles (treasures i have spoken of on here before), while at Granny's one day, we got out the paints and i proceeded to paint this clock jar......after i was married and had children of my own, Granny on one of her visits. brought this jar, filled with dimes that Grandad had used in the cupboard for a bank for years......i don't even remember painting it....but thankful for the gift.....
my Great Grandad Wampler had this cracker jar in the middle of the kitchen table.....filled with ginger snaps & a tiny glass of water to keep them soft.............................................
this day was one of smiles ................... tears ............ memories that are still so vivid & sweet ............................................ i am so blessed !