Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

in the fifties......

it was 1958......
the beginning of precious, lifelong  memories......friendships.....boyfriends......cheerleading......baton twirling...(notice I didn’t say books, I was a horrible student)......
it is 2019.......

it was said.....”it is like Monday morning & we are catching up from the weekend “
..........joys & sorrow......marriage & divorce.....children & grands.....loss & gain.....something we have all shared fifty years how we have been blessed to spend a short weekend together!
a class of 45 in the year 1969.......
i am so blessed!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

two days.....

two days.....
multiple blessings.....
love for my people......
my tribe.....
& his new title mustard seed......(dubbed by a customer......)
another open house door closed!

&.......thank you sweet Winnie.....what a treasure you are.......
.....................i am blessed!💙

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

from above......

sometimes we just need to stop....&.....see things from above....
a view of the Bible Garden from upstairs........
i am blessed!