Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

mustard seed....

well......i must apologize for my abscence........last week was our spring open house and needless to say, i was a little preoccupied..............................oh how life just happens!..........just wanted to show this picture of a treasure, i happened the midst of a search for mustard seed, i ran across this seed bag.................couldn't really figure out a way to display it .........but for open house, just hung it on the door.......................hope it is a reminder to all who enter to hang on with a little faith......................................"if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed....nothing shall be impossible" matt. 17:20.................................................oh, i am so blessed!


from me to thee......... said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!while you were on the look out for "mustard seed" this bag must have been looking for finally came "home" smiles, Linda

Vicki said...

This is just too cool! You were meant to have this..How perfect!!! Hugs to you dear friend...

from me to thee......... said...

CUTE !!!!!!!!