Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

unfinished stitching.......

amongst the baskets of unfinished projects's stitching of blues ...............................i find it comforting somehow to glance over..............see her handwork and know that i was taught by loving hands.......................................oh yes i have been so blessed !

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

oh the touch of autumn....

i am joining the link with "1890 Gable House" with just a touch of autumn......oh the smells in the air.....the crisp mornings.....the crunch of the leaves .......the memories of my husband in the fields harvesting the crops............................oh just the feel of warmth around us.....a cozy fire soon.....the candles burning......a hayride......fodder shock.....pumpkins & mums .........ummmmm...............................................................i am blessed...................................... go along for a visit with all of us to

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

an autumn memory.......

an autumn memory........................28 years ago...........................our baby girl in this photo will be turning 30 this weekend.....................................where has the time gone............................oh how i miss those days of puppy tails.....pony tails......french frilly dresses........................................oh but my heart is so full............................................full now of.......legos......rescue heroes.......matchbox know.......the boy things.................................................................................i am so blessed!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

well dear friends.....

welllllll my dear sweet friends......................tomorrow is open house.......the weather just right.....the yard & weeds trimmed up........pumpkins in the straw......mums ready for cool weather.....a fodder shock or two.......................................yes it is time.........though I am disappointed with things i did not is mom always told me...."they don't know what you didn't get finished"..............disappointed still the dear friends, that is where i have been.....................hopefully back in the swing of normal soon...................................................i am blessed !