Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Saturday, October 9, 2010

a simple little blessing....

i am too busy....are you? the busyness of my week......there at my feet as i step out of the car..................................a tiny little sprout of queen anne's of my favs by the way.....................................................i stop.....look down at my feet...........and i just have to GOD sends us just the tiniest ...........most simple little blessings.......................ahhhhhh........ GOD IS SO GOOD !.......................and...........................i am blessed!

1 comment:

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

I am also so busy! So much some days I don't know how I handle it!
It is so refreshing to hear someone else talk about being blessed, by the simple things that some do not notice( you made me smile)!
please check out my blog today, I am posting some pics that made me feel so blessed last eveing!( I relaxed with it all)
Bless all, have a nice day!