Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

precious little stitches....

just a few little stitches to share with you today.........................a half finished embroidery of my Mom's............the starting a simple sampler by one of my girls many years ago........and the sweetest little bird pin cushion from my sweet friend Linda............................and a very special prayer stiched by my great-grandmother.................................all with very precious little stitches...................................................................i am blessed!

stop by to visit with all those joining in the chain


Debra said...

What wonderful needlework! Thanks for sharing!

Audrey said...

Beautiful...loved seeing your stitcheries.

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Hi, Denise
I have been wondering>>waiting to see if you would join in>>

Just took my breath away, so beautiful the prayer by your Great-Grandma, Stitches started but not finished! You can see the age & the beauty on the beautiful pieces! The pin cushion so sweet!
Wonderful treasurers>>I am sure held so close to your heart!
as always an enjoyable visit, ah

Kattywhompus Primitives said...

Hi Denise,
I love to visit your blog...there's always something beautiful to see & read. The prayer is wonderful...and stitched by your great grandmother-wow, extra special!
I love seeing the half finished pieces too...almost looks like the "stitcher" laid them down for a bit and will be back to finish.
The little bird pinny is also very sweet.
You are blessed to be a blessing-for sure!

from me to thee......... said...

Denise, sweet have been in my thoughts the past few days......smiles and hugs, Linda

Lorna/Live Oak Primitive Peddler said...

Beautiful stitcheries!! Such wonderful treasures!!

1890* said...

love stitched....started but never finished

Jan said...

I love this little sampler prayer. I haven't heard that before but it is almost like an answer to the prayer we say at night. Now I lay me down to sleep.....