Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Monday, February 28, 2011


well my grand just left, so i was a little later than thought.....Gayle, i did include you too..........Granny Bee Kathy was the me your address and it will be off in the mail...........this was so much fun and thanks to all for your sweet comments............

did you ever really stop to think how tiny a mustard seed actually tiny to hold on to........kinda like our faith.......sometimes we lack a little........we need that little reminder to hang on......just a tiny little bit of faith is all it takes......and then it grows ........and grows...........we all have our prayer for all of you is to be strong......hold on......have faith if you are weary........ "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed....nothing shall be impossible"....Matt:17:20 ....................................................................i am blessed!


Penny said...

Congratulations to Granny Bee Kathy!!

BumbleBeeLane said...

Congrats Kathy!

Raymond Homestead said...

Congratulations Kathy!

Kathy E said...

WOW! Thank-you!!!!! I will make my friend very happy! After I take a mustard seed of course. I want to thank your followers for all of the sweet comments. thank-you granny bee Kathy

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Congrats Kathy!
Denise~ wonderful giveaway~ you are a gem!

Gayle said...

Congrats to Kathy!

Granny Bee said...

Congrats to my "Kathy Granny Bee"...I got sooo excited when I saw that name and thought ,"oh my goodness" there's another one out there! and to my huge delight it was her...We both LOVE your blog! Your words bring peace to our souls! Thank you!