they say a storm is coming..............started warning everyone yesterday................................i have just been thinking.....are we ever prepared for a storm?................................i was remembering, growing up, Daddy would stand on the back porch, and watch the whole thing unfold............Mom and i would run for this morning, i have been thinking of all the different storms we face in our lives..........are we ever prepared for those either?...........................................i do think we go through them for a reason....we may not know at the time..............we may never know..........................but i have been through some, that now...i can see......................................................when someone stops me in walmart, (the usual place).....i am able to give comfort......listen......cry with is how we handle the storms in our life.........................................we can face them, watch it unfold.......................or run for cover...........................................not that i always handle them the right way.......................................but with God's help.....................we CAN handle them!
..........................been blessed through many a storm............yes.....i am blessed!
by the way, i pray for safety with all of your blessed my friends!
Blessings to you~ may you be safe~
May you stay safe and many blessings to you ! May the storms pass over! Hugs and prayers
lil raggedy angie
Praying for your safety !My dad always stood on the porch and watch the storms roll in too. Hugs Jen
Wonderfully said. Be safe!!
Blessings Granny Trace
I have cried on your shoulder many of times....thanks for being ya, Linda
Hi,I was ready to run to the basement last night. I can see you and your mother running for cover bless your heart...You are a warm and sweet person and I am SO glad you are my friend...Blessings to you...Love ya...
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