Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Friday, August 31, 2012


you know......sometimes.......i am just at a loss for words...............sitting at the sewing machine, i look over to a wooden bowl.....filled with letters...................and when getting ready for an openhouse........
 ...........................................i just find a loss for track maybe tomorrow will be better...............................and i will be able to speak & think a little more you think?.............................ummm' not so sure.......!
................................................................................ i am blessed !

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

baking day...............

as long as i have spent in the kitchen today................i would expect a yummy tasting morsel has instead been one of those days of everything going wrong........hopefully by days end, it will be better results ...............................i started off trying to make civil war hard tack.......wrong recipe i guess, ended up making faux biscuits..................a faux bread that was supposed to take 20 min. (HA!) has taken 4 hrs..................................
 my standby, made dozens of times before, is plum puddings........................hope they come out okay
all this work..........................................and........................not a bite to eat !

........................................................ i am blessed !

Saturday, August 25, 2012

just makes me smile......

a treasure from our attic..........a childhood memory never forgotten............................................i loved going to Mamaw Hill's house ...............................the talent she owned was amazing..............she could carve the most beautiful gardens...........make "anything" from nothing (the original make-do kinda lady).......................and............................these amazing painted bottles, that graced her entire home....every window...every shelf.........every nook & cranny.............................i was fascinated to say the did she come up with such beauty!.........if you study them closely you can pick out your everyday jemima pancake...pickles.....asprin..................................i have dusted them off, brought them out of the attic and will put them in my craft room window........just to make me smile...!
................................................. i am blessed !

Friday, August 24, 2012

the grungy whites.....

36......thirty six.....i did say a total of 36!.................................these are the grungy whites.....and i am now finished with these pumpkins........whew.......i think i am getting toooooooo old to do all two days........................but it is time to move on to the next project.......these are done...finished....over with.....!
................................................. i am blessed !

Monday, August 20, 2012

a little rust.....

a little rust never hurt least not a pumpkin!....................................actually.......i think a little rust here and there creates a little doing these little fellas....................................white grungy ones are tomorrow.......!
..................................................................... i am blessed!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

the sounds of Sunday.....

in the the calm of an early Sunday morning ............i awaken to the sound of the neighbor's hound ..........................barking to awaken the new the sun comes up .......there is a greeting from a song bird ........surely thanking us for yet another bird bath in our yard yesterday.................................................................then off to sounds of praise ........petitions..........and thankfulness for the start of  not only a new day........but........a fresh new week.............thank you Lord.....for these wonderful.....refreshing....sounds of a Sunday ......................
................................................................. i am blessed !

Thursday, August 16, 2012


i ask today that you say a prayer for my cousin ........she has lost a very precious companion Shayna......and .......i know her heart is hurting today ...............................
 please stop by and visit her on facebook to leave her a message     CHAOS NY..............................
so sorry pg.........i know your heart is hurting ............................ love you!

.................................................................. i am blessed !

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

my heart remembers.....

i have never seen Carter smile so big ....................... 1st grade is a big deal ! .................................seems like yesterday i was putting our two girls on the bus for the first time .................... George Fountain (bus driver) always made sure to have them wait for their picture ...............don't think i missed a year........

greeting his bus driver this morning with a wave and a grin says it all doesn't it ...............what a precious way to start a day ...........................we should all be so eager .................
praying Mr. Prairie Blue has a good day as well (works in transportation in our school system) starting day today as well he was ready to leave this morning @ 4a.m., school security calls ........4 buses with flat tires.....chasing boys from the parking lot ..............................not starting off too well ........but prayers for all today for a great day........the first my heart remembers !

......................................................... i am blessed !

Saturday, August 4, 2012

i'm so thrilled......

i know it is hard to tell from this picture ........................ but i finally have accomplished something i have tried over & over .......................... i have been working on some soldering ........... rather new to it and you know how that goes .........practice...practice...practice.........................and ...................patience !  (oh disregard the two globs of solder i was experimenting with )      i have wanted to make "mustard seed charms" forever......have tried a few times and just plain lost it ...........couldn't figure it i gave up ....................they are the two round ones beside the bottle ................made with flat marbles and soldered ..............YEAH!............................the bottle in the middle is filled with mustard seeds as well .........a broken piece of flow blue china and a tiny flat marble with a piece of antique blue spirits are lifted ..................................................i can now go to our daughters for a week with a feeling of satisfaction & accomplishment........!
................................................. i am blessed !

Thursday, August 2, 2012

a broken treasure........

as many of you son in law is an auctioneer..................................when i go in to pick up the little one for our day together, i scan the auction for a treasure that i "must" heart skipped a beat yesterday for these broken treasures...................this is exactly how they looked (with the exception of a watering can spout tucked inside)............................they are the tiniest of things 8" & 4"
i left my bid........................hoping, but not expecting to be the winning bid.........................$11.............I think i am a winner!..................................i really don't know what it is about "broken treasures" that capture my heart............................................i love the know...just like we ALL are..........................we are flawed......................we make mistakes.....we are tattered, torn, chipped, crazed and imperfect as well...........................but.............God accepts us just like we are and loves us anyway..................................yes .........we are all a "broken treasure"
...................................................... i am blessed !