i have never seen Carter smile so big ....................... 1st grade is a big deal ! .................................seems like yesterday i was putting our two girls on the bus for the first time .................... George Fountain (bus driver) always made sure to have them wait for their picture ...............don't think i missed a year........

greeting his bus driver this morning with a wave and a grin says it all doesn't it ...............what a precious way to start a day ...........................we should all be so eager .................
praying Mr. Prairie Blue has a good day as well (works in transportation in our school system) starting day today as well ........as he was ready to leave this morning @ 4a.m., school security calls ........4 buses with flat tires.....chasing boys from the parking lot ..............................not starting off too well ........but prayers for all today for a great day........the first day..........as my heart remembers !
......................................................... i am blessed !
Innocence, what a special time of life. Moms and Grandma's as well will shed a tear today as their little one's venture into a new part of their world. Thank you Lord for the memories. Connie
all my grands were so ready for today....could not wait!!! And I am so glad they want to go, but, I was a bit sad...really miss them!!!!
We could take a lesson from these young people--to enjoy and embrace what life gives us. Loved the smile!
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