Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I'm spinning.......

i don't know when my fascination with spinning wheels began..................i think when my Mom bought me a make-do spinning wheel years ago.....................................i have several....mostly were my Mom's.....along with yarn the fascination has expanded to spinning wheel photos.......?
 love these........................................and i am slowly collecting parts to old spinning wheels to hopefully assemble some make-dos for the shop......................................
 i find it so amazing.........................................i love them so.......................but do not know how to spin!
 that is next on the list.............................................never too old to learn....right?
.............................................................. i am blessed !

Sunday, January 19, 2014

shakin' the "crazies".....

as many of you know......over this past week, i have been knee deep in cleaning....rearranging....revamping the great room....................................................................................
 that means........everything.......including shaking the dust from a stack of 11 crazy quilts...........2 of which were mine......................but the rest is from my Mom's collection..................she loved "the crazys".....this is the stack...after the shake....and before the new home, somewhere in this room..............i cannot bear to part with them.....but on the other hand...can't figure out exactly where they will land......................
 these 2 crazys i bought at an auction, about this same time of year.....standing out in the cold...with two little ones...(i know what kind of mother am i?)..............remember, this is when we had absolutely NO treasures were $2 each along with the 2 blue & white quilts for $2.....i still remember which four they are.....................................
 this was one of Mom's favorites......................the intricate work is amazing..............................
 and this one.................finished in mostly velvets and lined completely on the back with velvet is the one of the best i have seen..........................................................amazing handwork! my opinion.......the best way to shake those winter crazy moments...................jump into a revamp of a room and shake out the dust.....................................!
...................................................... crazy...& blessed !

Monday, January 6, 2014

Moody Monday.......

i heard today is "moody monday".............the day when so many people are depressed from bills coming in....trapped inside the house.......a very blue day for some...................................i on the other hand in the "mood" to hook.......snuggled up next to the prairie blue at home today....couldn't get in his frozen door, and recuping from 10 staples in the back of his head yesterday (whew tired of ER runs) it has been a lazy day.....doing the least amount possible and hunkering down.....................
.................................................................................. i am blessed !

Sunday, January 5, 2014

the work he does........

i ran across this photo made me think of how blessed i am to have a hard working prairie blue cuts alot of firewood to keep us warm................i do think he enjoys it, but when it so brutally cold, i can't imagine............................i so appreciate all that he does
.......................................................................... i am blessed & warm !

Friday, January 3, 2014

a sewing basket.......

it is no secret that i love baskets............................doesn't matter if they are broken...partly unwoven...filthy dirty.....................................i think my love for baskets began when my Great Grandfather gave me two of my Great Grandmother's was held together with a brown shoe string, that i have left in place all these years..................that same year i found one at a yard sale next door, for $3 with a braided rug inside......................................thus began the passion.............................
 this is my most recent sewing basket.............would so love to know what the lady of the house kept in each of the treasure baskets attached inside..........spools of thread.....yarn....some unspun flax..........a tiny keepsake picture of her beau..................................i will never know.................but i can imagine......
.............................................................................. i am blessed !

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

hold my hand........

looking over this past year........i must say a few of my most touching moments have been while traveling in the car......sitting next to a grandchild.......and them reaching over to hold my heart melted...............................realizing how important and significant it was to me.........i hope that they might treasure and remember the moment as much as i ................will they know years from now that at that very moment they were loved more than anything else on this earth.......that i would give anything to capture that moment in a jar, bottle it up forever.......keep it close up the treasure & and know that at that very moment my very world was complete.....................................................................................
......................................i am blessed indeed!