Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Friday, January 3, 2014

a sewing basket.......

it is no secret that i love baskets............................doesn't matter if they are broken...partly unwoven...filthy dirty.....................................i think my love for baskets began when my Great Grandfather gave me two of my Great Grandmother's was held together with a brown shoe string, that i have left in place all these years..................that same year i found one at a yard sale next door, for $3 with a braided rug inside......................................thus began the passion.............................
 this is my most recent sewing basket.............would so love to know what the lady of the house kept in each of the treasure baskets attached inside..........spools of thread.....yarn....some unspun flax..........a tiny keepsake picture of her beau..................................i will never know.................but i can imagine......
.............................................................................. i am blessed !

1 comment:

denise said...

beautiful old basket!