Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Monday, April 28, 2014

i need to finish....... you well know by now......i have had project after project for weeks now.......then.....i unexpectedly found a twin Jenny Lind bed $30 to put in the "grands" room......well......once again, one thing led to another & i was redoing the bedroom...................add to that, the idea that i had Saturday to move the kitchen table to the "great room" and trade the table in there for the kitchen....then....then...then.........well you know how this story is going.........still at it , one thing to another thing......
but for now........this is a morning sunlight picture of the new buttery favorite.....morning sunlight...and .......the has been so much fun......................................
....................................................... i am blessed !


Primitive Stars said...

Oh my, looks so cozy, yes, sunlight and primitives add love, Blessings Francine.

jennifer768 said...

Such a beautiful pic.I so admire your buttery! Have fun playing.LOL! Hugs,Jen

Penny said...

Can't beat beautiful prims and warm sunlight for a warm and cozy home!! Love it!

Janet-Olde Crow Primitives said...

Love the picture.