Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Thursday, January 24, 2019

a day in January.....

it’s just a day ....... a day of cold wind softly blowing across the field ....... usually a snow ........ & ........ occasionally, more often than not ........ a day with the flu .... a cold ..... bronchitis ..... 
this year ....... church cancelled ...... snowed in & mr Prairie Blue called in to plow the school lots ......
no illness ..... no party ..... no song .... just a snowed in day with peanut butter & jelly crackers for lunch ...

still ........ i am blessed !

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

a quiet place.......

the gathering was postponed for a week due to illness.......
&........... now the house has quieted ............ where laughter & love was a quick magical moment......
i so miss the gatherings of the entire clan ( which is only ten) ......... it goes way too fast ..... but .....

...................... i am blessed!