Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Thursday, January 24, 2019

a day in January.....

it’s just a day ....... a day of cold wind softly blowing across the field ....... usually a snow ........ & ........ occasionally, more often than not ........ a day with the flu .... a cold ..... bronchitis ..... 
this year ....... church cancelled ...... snowed in & mr Prairie Blue called in to plow the school lots ......
no illness ..... no party ..... no song .... just a snowed in day with peanut butter & jelly crackers for lunch ...

still ........ i am blessed !


Lady Locust said...

OH my! Keep warm and well.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Here’s hoping you stay warm, heathy and safe... I know you will stay blessed. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Winnie said...

Look at that darling little girl's BIG smile!!! Love that old photo of you! Yes indeed, your area is under a huge big cold spell so I hope you all stay warm and safe till it passes. We are even getting some of that Arctic blast way down here tonight for about 3 days. Brrrrr!

So good to hear from you and glad to know that Mustard Seed Hill is hunkered down for a long Winter spell. Little Nettie Blue is going to have herself some long cozy naps these days! Give her some good skritches behind her ears from me too.

miguel ángel márquez said...

I appreciate you sharing this