it was the moment i decided it was time for a reset in the shop....ever have those kind of moments where one thing leads to another................i needed more display space.....thinking box up & carry out EVERYTHING & start a new......then the idea to paint ........this carport was enclosed a little over thirty years ago......never repainted...never rearranged......................
amazing what a little reset...refresh...renew can not only do for a shop/home..............but..........finding it helps ....spiritually...physically....emotionally....................i had almost lost my joy.....i struggled last year being creative....Mustard Seed...needed a bit of faith to keep being able to create.......
not totally back together yet....but on its way................ya’ll do you need to be refreshed....renewed....& reset....maybe you just need to empty & start again............
.................i am blessed. 💙🕯