Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

what isn't a make-do....

it's make-do chain with 1890..........oh my the choices.....our whole house has been one make-do after another......but narrowed it down to only two simple choices....... in our kitchen.....a cupboard traded with a friend......not quite tall old washer base from the back porch to make it just right...............the other.....a simple, rusted out coffee pot made into a light fixture for over the counter in the shop...................................oh my goodness the make-do stories I could tell....but will settle for only two at the moment....who knows when the others might show up in another chain..................................................i am blessed !


Robyn ♥ said...

Wonderful ideas! Love your displays!

Unknown said...

What a Fabulous idea for a light!!
Love it!
And your cabinet is awesome too!!

The Primitive Heart said...

What a wonderful idea for a light fixture!

prims by olde lady morgan said...

Love it a wonderful cabinet with so many great make a do treasures! OLM

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

The cupboard with the old washer base, how creative! (love the displays in it, crocks, bowls, old tins everything prim)!

The light too cute!

You are so creative with the old junk, you turn it into beauty!I can tell you really enjoy it!

have a nice evening,

Audrey said...

Wow,true make do's!! I love them both.

1890* said...

Very Creative Make-do's! That pot sure makes for an awesome lighting fixture....LoVe IT!!...Oh that trade with a friend was a good one! loving that time worn cupboard on that washer it ok to say that i love all that you do Denise?..well i do ..especially your Make-do's
Thank you so much for sharing with us {{ }}

Kattywhompus Primitives said...

Hello Denice,
I'm just getting around to all the Display Chain participants tonight. I SO relate to your seems that everything we have is a make do. I especially love seeing your clever solution to the too short cupboard. :) Thanks for sharing your home with us!


Kattywhompus Primitives said...

Denise* How embarrassing. :)

purensimple-Theresa said...

Love your make do's. So true that we all have lots of make do's cause we are all so creative.
Hugs Theresa

Anonymous said...

Tried to post here last night.....with no luck!

I love that coffe pot light....I have an old HUGE funnel I wanted to do this with. Thank you for sharing your make-dos....I think I love everything you have too!!

I keep looking at your last display entry with that hooked rug you are making......I want to do that someday! Can't wait to see it when it is those colors together!

Prim hugs my friend!

Primsue said...

OMGoodness, I LOVE your makedos. I LOVE your displays. I would love to see more. TFS.