Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

finish work.....

the project of the day........week........heaven only knows how long.............................but it is the next step for work on this rug...........................................then..............................ready for a new project........there are lots now, just waiting in the wool room...........................waiting for selecting.....planning........oh maybe a road trip thrown in there for a color or two..............anyway, time to get to the finish work............................................i am blessed!


Sassafras and Winterberry said...

I just joined your blog. I love the soft colors of your rug. Don't you just love the promise of a project to come? I'm combining...whip stitching one rug, hooking another, and color planning a future one...keeps away boredom!!

Anonymous said...

That old lady in front of your cabin looks just like my Aunt Annie...she died at 104 several years ago and she was a 1 room school house teacher and a lawyer's secretary...thanks for the memory of her life in front of that cabin. Mel's Cabin