Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

it's a GRAND thing....yummy!

my heart is so full........................................our first visit, with all grands together.................linking with today.....doesn't get much yummier than this........................................................................................................................................ i am blessed


Penny said...

Beautiful babies!! How fun to have them all together...

Robyn ♥ said...

Beautiful! I love the big smiles! I can just squeeze them!

BumbleBeeLane said...

Adorable but looks like you've got your hands full.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Yummy~ adorable grandbabys!Girl they are so~ cute!~and your newest so sweet!

Green Creek Primitives said...

They are just adorable, you are blessed. Can't wait to get my hands on my new grandson due in July. Thanks for sharing your grandkids. Vicky

~Madalynne~ said...

Such beautiful children! You are blessed indeed!

Kathy E said...

There is so much love to give to grandchildren. We have a range from 14yrs. to 8mos. We went from three wonderful grandbabies to six. Our oldest just married a beautiful woman with three children. He has never had Children of his own.But he dearly loves being their step dad. His stepson calls him stad. lol.He treats them as his own. They love him and we love all. So we have 3 boys 3 girls. So I know how much this day means to you. so enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1890* said...

Yep ..So sweet that i could just eat them little ones right up"...why is it we feel it ok to say such nonsense, like eating our young?....
Because they are just so Yummy!..we want to take them all in :0) You are blessed Denise!

prims by olde lady morgan said...

OH, Yes they would be the YUMMIEST!!! Of all!!! Enjoy!!! OLM

Lil Raggedy Angie said...

So definately yummy it so doesnt get any yummier or sweeter than the innocence of a child let alone several. Blessed indeed. I hope you enjoy your time with all of them.
have a great week .Hugs
lil raggedy angie

Kattywhompus Primitives said...

I must agree...that's about as yummy as it gets! Three handsome lads and a little girl- like the cherry on top. You ARE blessed. :)

Linda ★ Parker's General said...
