Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Friday, July 15, 2011

the fountain story....

on a drive past the goodwill store.......i spotted this fountain.......................dare i even pull in to check it out........talked myself out of it.............................turned around......went back................walked quickly to check the tag.......$15 !!!........oh my could it really be.......(doesn't work!).............................well for $15 ....i thought i can live with that just as a feature in the yard.............................purchase made.....................................................stopped by a greenhouse to see about a new pump......................................the lady took it to the restroom, worked on it a bit, cleaned the lime$15
that was two years ago...................................and we did have to find a new pump eventually......but i have so loved and enjoyed my best bargain ...................ever ! ....................................................................................................i am blessed !


Lil Raggedy Angie said...

Great fountain and whats not to love about a bargain! Enjoy your weekend! hugs lil raggedy angie

annie said...

I love that, I have wanted one that big for a long time! What a great buy! Weekend blessings!

jennifer768 said...

Gorgeous fountain and what a bargain! Love it!Hugs,Jen

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh...lucky you! Love it! I sorta had just the opposite husband bought me a fountain one year for our anniversary...It stopped working and I asked him to move it to the edge of our yard for a planter b/c I still loved it...This spring, driving past our neighbors', I saw it in their front yard....working just fine... :o((( Just another reason this crow is cranky... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

I just love finds like that. It's really beautiful...nothing like the sound of a water fountain in the peaceful.

Simply Shelley said...

Blessed indeed...... :) Its a wonderful find.

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

A Beauty & a bargain~ looks wonderful!

*Kountry*Porch*Primitives* said...

Wow...I couldn't have grabbed that up quick enough!! It's great ~Kriss~