Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

weekend celebrations....

i have been a busy grammy.......................................i left last wednesday to help prepare for two big celebrations at our daughter's home near Fort Wayne...............a four hour drive for me.......but oh so worth the joys............................................................................Cooper turned "3" our daughter described him....."he exudes pure joy"....can you tell ........i so wish i could bottle his laughter..................................... and our grand daughter Mayah's baby dedication on Sunday......................................what a happy girl..................................maybe she will be as "bubbly " as Cooper

okay.........need i say more at the moment.......................................i am blessed!


Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Precious. Very! That little Cooper has the best grin going! I have a book character in a mystery I wrote named Cooper. I love that name!

Angela said...

Yes my friend you have truly been blessed, two fold. Cooper is so cute. Love his big smile and Mayah is just as cute. She is so huggable!! Glad you got to spend time with them both. I only have one granddaughter but They are truly a gift from God.

annie said...

Darling children, perfect smiles. You are blessed!

Vicki said...

Hi Friend...These children are just too cute as you know! They are so lucky to have you as their grammy....Have a great day....Love the photos! Love ya...

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

They are simply adorable~ so happy~(ok, seriously cute kids, you sure captured it with the photos)~ I say use that brag book proud Grammy!!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

What a proud grammy you must be!!! They are just cheek-pinching adorable!! Glad you got to spend some fun time with them and build some memories....Thanks for sharing your blessings with us....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin