Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Monday, December 24, 2012

one starry night .......

one starry night.....................................imagine........................................
may you all be blessed with God's goodness.......Merry Christmas my friends !
.............................................................................................................. i am blessed !

Thursday, December 20, 2012


you know........................sometimes.........................we just need to take a break !...........................i will be back....................................................................................................!
.......................................................... i am blessed !

Sunday, December 2, 2012

a cup of Christmas Tea....

once annual event from our home....................a long week of decorating.........two days of preparing treats.....................three very short hours................and it is all over........................the one day, i look forward to all year........a thank you gift for my customers & friends......and it is over, in what seems, " an instant"......................i love to spend time visiting with everyone, how does it go by so fast.........................................wishing i could do it more often....................just spending time, relaxing..sharing...hugging....taking in all the love i feel for all those that mean so much to me......................Lord, i am so blessed to have such wonderful me to savor those moments more....and do it more often...........and never forget, exactly why i do it!
............................................ i am blessed !

Thursday, November 29, 2012

cranberry run...... was a run for the cranberries today..............................time to set the table for my "Christmas Tea"..............25 bags of berries.......a candle here and there......a flicker of light......and almost ready to greet .................................................
.............................................. i am blessed !

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

morning greeting......

the most pleasant of morning greetings............i love to walk through this room in the early morning, to the twinkling of the little white there anything more calming.........
shall the decorating begin..........half way there!................................................
................................................... i am blessed !

Thursday, November 22, 2012

blessed & thankful....

Lord....i thank you for my blessings & a wonderful heritage ..............................may this day find you filled with a thankful heart as well...........................blessed & overflowing !
............................................................................ i am blessed !

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

pin it....

i think maybe i have shown this before.......but out of the corner of my eye today, a glimpse of many stories...........i love old pin cushions........and these are a few of my favs from my craft room wall.........the old rolled oats box was left at Mamaw's without a home.......filled with crochet thread and a tiny worked piece or two along with the hooks..............the blue satin heart was my Mom's, for as long as i remember it sat in her dresser drawer, i do think she made it.........the old crochet hats were my Great Grandmother's & the old leather baby shoe was just a treasure i picked up along the way.................................isn't it amazing at the styles....items....perfect goods...that are found to just make a pin cushion................a necessity......making~do with what they had...............
oh the stories.......the hands these priceless things have passed through.......oh what treasures....the real meaning of "pin it"!.................................................................i am blessed !

Friday, November 16, 2012


it has been a long week of coughs......sneezing .........sore throat..............................but i did get out this morning for my friend Vicki's openhouse.....................WONDERFUL as usual, and so nice to visit with friends & meet some new ones....................................but............came home to a relaxing recliner, and this view out the i try to keep the chill off, sniffle & sneeze in the warmth of my home........................................................................
..................................... i am blessed !

Monday, November 12, 2012

the patchwork......

do you ever stop to think about all of the patchwork that goes into our life..........i certainly have the last couple of days............................with another openhouse come and gone......and the abundant blessings i have experienced.......i have been thinking how everything is patched together, at just the right moment....with just the right thread weaving throughout...........
the needle out and threaded with a daughter helping for two days....and the other & her little ones, surprising me on the last day..............a friend showing up with a bowl of soup & had prayed for me all week.............a couple of customers, that i have been very concerned about & not seen for awhile.....(relieved they are okay!) so many new people, my mind can't comprehend.......................amazing to me how God, lays out all the fabric.....i thread the needle and God Himself just stitches away on the patchwork of my life....................
............................................................................i am CERTAINLY blessed !

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

a morning chuckle.....

i ran across this photo this morn, and it took me back to over thirty years was the night before my first open house........i had sent mr. prairie blue after "large red apples...and make sure they sit flat".....................would have loved to have been a little bug to watch him trying out each apple!............oh the insanity my family has had to indure during this time of year......thank you is never enough for my two girls and mostly mr. prairie blue......he goes above & beyond ......and once again........................i am ready to go at it again tomorrow................!
............................................................................................... i am blessed !

Saturday, November 3, 2012

sunlight in the trees......

it looks like a little miniature forest..................oh the joys of a rusty can......rusty stars......and twigs.............................what a fun afternoon it was......with sunlight in the trees............................................................................!
............................................................ i am blessed !

Thursday, November 1, 2012

it began......

my love for the old......antique.......worn......aged .......loved goods...........................began with this small pewter pot..........missing her lid....a dent here & very first antique purchase forty one years ago..................$5...........and probably $5 that i didn't even have to spare....but oh so loved & cherished...............even after all these years!
...................................................................... i am blessed !

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


driving home this morning...... i looked down........and saw my mother's of those moments ......when did that happen...............when did my hands begin to look like hers............then while on pinterest ...of all days............i just run across this old photo.................reminded me of a song Granny used to sing ......."be careful little hands what you careful little hands what you do.....for the Father up above, is looking down in careful little hands what you do".......................lots of sweet memories wrapped up in one morning!
................................................ i am blessed !

Monday, October 29, 2012

may i always......

may i always be aware of my words.......and each day that i am given.................
....................................................... i am blessed !

Sunday, October 28, 2012

angel wings........

in memory of a truly sweet friend.......filled with dignity & in the arms of Jesus....and.....cancer free...............................may i meet you in heaven, my wonderful friend!
............................................................... i am blessed !

Saturday, October 27, 2012

so not in the plan....!

the morning started off pretty good.......up at to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.............
 welllllllll......... the next thing i knew as i turned to the pantry pot was leaking under all of my cutting boards that cover this (very ugly, old, white speckled) countertop..........i have needed to clean, and wanted to rearrange the countertops......JUST NOT TODAY!!! at 6:30a.m. i am enhaling bleach as i cleaned the countertops..................UGH..................
 so some point today ....................these items, will be rearranged...........finding a new location..........................
 and, by the you spy the jar of  m&m's ........doesn't everyone need a stash somewhere......
oh..................then................forgot to mention...............i was going to have to tackle this pantry today too...................(because of those pesky little moths).............once again.....UGH......and.......JUST NOT TODAY! been wanting to prim this up and make it at least cool looking and satisfying to me when i open the door.......................................
just goes to show you...............................things don't always go according to OUR plan.................sometimes in life........things just take a different turn...................been seeing alot of that lately.......................i know, without a doubt.....................GOD IS IN CONTROL!

will post pictures of the finished projects later............................................i am blessed !

Friday, October 26, 2012

no other words.......

no other words need to be said today.......................................................
......................................................................... i am blessed !

Thursday, October 25, 2012

the top of the stairs.......

just the top of the stairs................................................................
................................................................. i am blessed !

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

winding the clock.....

this clock is so not me.................but..........has become a part of Mom's prized possession...............i remember when she saved for it................when she would pull the weights with her white cotton gloves.....................took such care to protect & keep it safe........................i now am entrusted to it's care..........although, i do not use the cotton gloves.....but..............when i open the door to pull the weights, i can still smell "home"......(that)... is the care.....the safety....that i will protect and honor in the memory of her & memories of home.......
...................................................... i am blessed !

Saturday, October 20, 2012

turn up the cozy.....1

just a day of projects.....warmth...and coziness.......................!
.............................................................. i am so blessed !

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

the corner of my eye.......

just because........................i caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye.......................and it gave me such pleasure..........i just had to smile!.................
....................................................... i am blessed !

Monday, October 15, 2012

what is it....

what is it about the call you get......."your wool is in!".............................oh whole day is a shambles.........all i want to do now, is wash my wool......touch.....reorganize......plan.....................................but.............................i think it is back to the crafting table for me....................much to do....much to do!
........................................ i am blessed !

Friday, October 12, 2012

when they were young........

this is the wedding photo of my Great Grandparents....... Levi & Cora Burnworth..........don't know why i chose this for today....................never knew Grandpa........but Grandma was such a sweet ..... talented lady..........she had gone blind when i was young, and i wasn't around her often.....but my Mom always made a point to have me go speak to her....................i am so glad she did........i have a few of her paintings (that she would never sign, felt she wasn't good enough) and she is the one that made the heritage chart that i posted quite awhile back...............................what talent, and what a lovely lady......i think my Daddy looked like her................................
.............................................................. i am blessed !

Thursday, October 4, 2012

a little touch........

just a simple little touch of autumn................!              
.............................................................. i am blessed !

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


somedays........we just need to reflect!                                                 
............................................................. i am blessed !

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

aMAZES me.....!

i don't always take the time to boast..........................but i am going to now......................our daughter, and her husband have worked so hard building up a business that totally amazes me...................imagine, investing your time.....finances.....blood.....sweat.....tears...................into a venture that is started and totally turned over to God....................He is the deciding factor, whether it is a success or not.........they are only the stewards.....................and they give Him the Glory! ........................................................ i am blessed  &  aMAZED!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

wordless wednesday.......

from today's devotion:       My Father, may I lift mine eyes to the hills!  May I not be satisfied with the standards of the plains!  May I seek my ideals in the mount!  May I breathe the mountain air even when I walk the valleys of time!                                        
.................................................................... i am blessed !

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

now what.....!

wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll...........................i have my new treasure at home where she what! has been bought and paid for, for over a time to go after it till today..................................but now it..........had to have it...................but................again i what.....................
 i am trying it in the shop, since we eliminated a cabinet................and i have a tiny bit of space...................but oh where to put it...................i always have to consider my flow of traffic, because my shop is so small...........................................but .............................oh my!......................she is a grand height of about 40"...............................and deep...............................but oh so beautiful...............check out that it!.................................but where oh where will she go!
...................................................................... i am blessed !

Saturday, September 15, 2012

a look in the window.....

today we strolled through the grounds of "Old Settler's Day" in Salem, Indiana...........the birthplace of John Hay..........this sweet little festival has grown over the years......................the little prairie blue's and i used to set up at the craft show.........................oh the memories, of sweet simple times................the woodsmoke....the reconstructed buildings.......... this one in particular caught my fancy............ this old grocery/post office has found a new home, to delight another generation............ this display window was a textile lovers dream.......a simpler time indeed!.........................
............................................................ i am blessed !

Friday, September 14, 2012

i saw a sign.......

i saw a sign today ............"do what you love".....................................well............................i must say......i am overjoyed!.........................our Megan suggested after openhouse she bring her hubs, and mr. prairie blue & i all together made a day of it..............................we emptied the entire shop of everything.........cleaned......shook the rugs.........and carried back in to rearrange...................
 the shop is so small.............normally all i can do is move small has so needed to be refreshed........  revived  ..........................................................  just like us  ................................there are those times, we need the same  ...........................................................
 so..............................the display pieces back in....................................ready to feels like an entirely different now i am doing just what the sign said..............................."do what you love"...............................................just like i used to at Granny's store................................."May's Grocery"..................thanks Gran.....i am "still" playing you forever!............

...................................................................... i am blessed !

Monday, September 10, 2012


yesterday i had posted about some of the strange things that happen during openhouse...................
 then................................. there are the blessings..........just like the sweet friend, that i have known for years, always leaves a note...or a gift....or both.............................this time.......the most precious primitive footstool left on my backporch......and a note on my desk..............................meeting again, someone i went to high school with over 40 yrs ago.......................customers from years ago, making connections again.......hearing the familiar voices coming through the door.................once the door opens, i am it worth it....YES.......financially?........filling my spirit with joy..........PRICELESS...........................................i am indeed overwhelmed with blessings............................i am ready to go at it again.......guess that is why i have had open houses for over 30 years!...................................................and Gina........what a blessing you are sweet friend....thank you!
.................................................................. i am blessed !

Sunday, September 9, 2012


ahhhhhhhhh...........i feel like i can breathe again, after the stressful week of readying for openhouse..........i know you all know how it is to get ready for an big deals!..............................i don't handle it well, i must admit.......but i did do better this time two months till the last one for the year!........................................time to gather myself.....organize.....get myself pulled together.....and hit it hard!..............................................i must say, after all is said and done........i walk through the house....turning off the lamps....blowing out the candles.......(the house is always open for tour as well)..........................................i take that final walk through before i sit to relax......and check out all of the things that people seem so fascinated .......checking out our shower........why anyone would want to pull back our shower curtain, to peek is beyond me!............and open a drawer in my craft room, that won't close, unless you hold your mouth just right....(would love to see that person's expression when they can't close it!)........or lift the lid on the old barrel in the dining room that has a trick too.........what is with people...........................................oh well..............................i guess i just have to say .......ahhhhhhhh........and move on........i am the one that opens the door !
...................................................... i am blessed !

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


just missing my Mom so much has been twelve years, seems like yesterday............................but especially at openhouse time......i miss her even more......................................the days would be long at the sewing machine.....or sitting at the table with paint brushes in hand....or on the phone "what do you think about this idea"............she was my best biggest cheerleader!................................i miss & love her the way.....she loved violets!
............................................ i am blessed !

Saturday, September 1, 2012


don't you just love buttons.........what is it about them.........the texture....the oh so many varieties....colors.....stories they could tell...............................i hope someone else like buttons too...........i have made lots of button bracelets.......THEN........i saw this pic on pinterest the simplicity of this button necklace.....and.......wouldn't it look nice with a button bracelet........!.........i think i need to sit down, rest........and..........figure out how this is made..................after all, a person needs a matching set....................................!
.................................................................. i am blessed !

Friday, August 31, 2012


you know......sometimes.......i am just at a loss for words...............sitting at the sewing machine, i look over to a wooden bowl.....filled with letters...................and when getting ready for an openhouse........
 ...........................................i just find a loss for track maybe tomorrow will be better...............................and i will be able to speak & think a little more you think?.............................ummm' not so sure.......!
................................................................................ i am blessed !

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

baking day...............

as long as i have spent in the kitchen today................i would expect a yummy tasting morsel has instead been one of those days of everything going wrong........hopefully by days end, it will be better results ...............................i started off trying to make civil war hard tack.......wrong recipe i guess, ended up making faux biscuits..................a faux bread that was supposed to take 20 min. (HA!) has taken 4 hrs..................................
 my standby, made dozens of times before, is plum puddings........................hope they come out okay
all this work..........................................and........................not a bite to eat !

........................................................ i am blessed !

Saturday, August 25, 2012

just makes me smile......

a treasure from our attic..........a childhood memory never forgotten............................................i loved going to Mamaw Hill's house ...............................the talent she owned was amazing..............she could carve the most beautiful gardens...........make "anything" from nothing (the original make-do kinda lady).......................and............................these amazing painted bottles, that graced her entire home....every window...every shelf.........every nook & cranny.............................i was fascinated to say the did she come up with such beauty!.........if you study them closely you can pick out your everyday jemima pancake...pickles.....asprin..................................i have dusted them off, brought them out of the attic and will put them in my craft room window........just to make me smile...!
................................................. i am blessed !

Friday, August 24, 2012

the grungy whites.....

36......thirty six.....i did say a total of 36!.................................these are the grungy whites.....and i am now finished with these pumpkins........whew.......i think i am getting toooooooo old to do all two days........................but it is time to move on to the next project.......these are done...finished....over with.....!
................................................. i am blessed !