Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Monday, February 27, 2012

craft room corner....

my craft room is so tiny ............. blessed to have one, thrilled to have one ........... do i always craft in here .... no .......... i usually drag it throughout the house ..... (workin on that one) ............
 my mom rescued this old lamp from mamaw hill's house when things were divided ...... it has a cool onyx ball on the bottom of this brass base, and the old silk shade is very worn ......... going through mom's collection of old lace and crocheted pieces i found this circular piece that fit perfectly (that's my mom's graduation picture by the way)
 i felt inspired yesterday to name my dress maker form ...... "Pearl " will be her name .......... who knows why, other than it was mr. prairie blue's grandmother and it just came to me .............. some more of mom's old crocheted lace & old tape measures .................
and this is part of my pincushion collection ........... the oats box was mamaw's as well and is filled with old crochet thread and hooks .......the one that looks like a hat was my grandmother wampler's and the blue satin heart was my mom's (  i am sure she made it )
just a few of my treasured things ........... in my craft room, where i can enjoy them daily .......... and ........ reflect on things of the past .......... those things that bring me pure joy .........................

........................................... i am blessed !

Thursday, February 23, 2012


remember when we hung our clothes on the line ............ the beautiful sunshiney day with all the magnificent rays to zap the moisture out of the fresh hung load of sheets ... towels .....diapers ....................................... i remember one day in particular ...... my clothespins were in a basket very similar to this one .......Megan, being two yrs old at the time, had been playing with the pins beside me ............. suddenly i realized she was no longer near ......the search around the house began ................. by the time i spotted her she was running down the middle of our road (at that time maybe 4-5 cars a day) ....... i started to run after her .... the closer i got, the faster she ran ......... giggling all the way, with clothespins flying one by one out of the basket ........................................ needless to say i have never been so frightened in my life ....................... how could i scold a two yr old for the most joyous thing she had discovered ..... a basket of clothespins ..... and ............... freedom !
................................................... i am blessed !

this photo is from pinterest........ anyone else addicted !

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

i'm spinning .......

wish i knew how to spin .................. maybe someday i can learn ....................... for now....... i will just add to the collection ................. look for display space ....................... and be in the situation i am now .................................... too much stuff, and needing to get rid of some ............................. ............................................. shall the decluttering .... destashing .... tossing ....... selling ...... trading ....... BEGIN NOW! ..................................... keep watching ................. there may be a bargain .... an offer ..... a giveaway ................ you just never know !
............................................... i am blessed !

Monday, February 20, 2012

what's cookin'........

well chickadees .......... what's cookin' at your house today ............................ it is left overs around here today ............................ i have a meeting tonite ........ and we are winding down from the grands over the weekend ................ so wonderful having sweet voices & little feet in our home ...................................
............................................................... i am blessed!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Finishing up......

i spent some time at Ellen's again yesterday morn to help her finish up her bath ......... "oh my" what fun it is to arrange things at her house ............ the "treasure selection" is amazing ............
 these are some things we settled on ......... a wonderful woven blue rug ............ a few old cutting boards (who says they need to go in the kitchen, look how they set off the sink) .......... a grouping of old baskets (her collection is wonderful!)
 a couple of really old brown crocks (hiding her dixie cups) and a collection of old metal rollers ........
 i love this weathered bin that was on her porch ......... she had already tried it once, and i knew it would look good, we tried it again .......... her washer & dryer are now hid behind doors in this room, so we made a fun little laundry collection too ...................
 and ............................. i told her builder we would give a shout out to him ........ AMAZING ..... Daniel Yoder ..........................
this is just a bonus .......... Ellen's collection of antique cookie cutters .......... what can i say ......... !

.............................................................. i am blessed !

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

washing the bluebirds.......

............. a platter ..... a plate ........... a saucer & cup ......... a creamer & sugar ......... a soup tureen ........bread & butters ........ and the water pitcher ..............................
 this wonderful collection was my mom's ......... with an occasional piece i have picked up here and there ........
 all with memories of her ........................... even in the suds ....................... loved by mom & and loved by me .....
............................................................ i am blessed !

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

may your heart...

may your hearts be full this Valentine's Day ............................ my love to all of you ........... my kindred souls ..............................

...................................................... i am blessed!

Monday, February 13, 2012

i'm thinkin'......

yes............. i am thinkin' this will just take care of it for the day .......................... don't you ..................... a little bit of chocolate everyday  ......... will make everything better .................
........................................ i am blessed !

Sunday, February 12, 2012

an inside job....!

the last few days i have been painting a bathroom cabinet for my friend Ellen ...................... her & the hubs have remodeled an old bedroom into a bath, with their washer & dryer moved upstairs .......... she has had a vision of this room for weeks .......... and i must say, everything is wonderful ........... she has had me penciled in for this paint job, and so glad when she was ready, i was imediately ready to jump in ......
 after a three day job .......... (Ellen looking after my every whim  and more so ........... this gal kept me supplied with tea, crackers, cheese, "pickle dog" ............................ and helped with the buffing) .......... the job is now complete ........... can't wait to see after she moves all of her treasures in for the accents ...... maybe i will post another photo then ................................. i am very blessed to have such wonderful friends ............ we giggled ............ told stories of growing up ........... and shared a little more about ourselves ................................. oh what joy it was ...........................
......................................................... i am blessed !

Thursday, February 9, 2012 !

Happy 1st  Birthday Mayah Ann............
what a blessing ...................... what a joy .................. what a girl !

................................................................................... i am blessed !

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


at our rug hooking on Monday i spoke of how much time i waste ...................... why is that .................... what enjoyment do i possibly get from putting off things .................... or not finishing a project .................... ugh .............................. i have been at cleaning and discarding things in my craft room for weeks ................. i so just want it finished ..................................... but instead ..................
i am still sorting .................... still tossing .................. and getting nowhere .................... !

........................................................ i am blessed !

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

a touch of green......

sorry i have been missing for know how things go ..................... a sick one here ...... a sick one there .......... jumping in to help with things wherever you are needed .......holding hands with some .......... lending a helping hand with others ................... where a mom is needed, is where mom will go .......................... no hesitation .............. no regrets ............... glad i am able ............. and always willing when i can .................................. anyway, i could use a touch of green today ............................................ been seeing alot of terrariums surfacing again ..................... when mr. prairie blue and i first married, these were the in thing ................ and being inexpensive to make i had to try my hand at it .......................... i must say, i even had one in a jar similar to this one, except with Tom Taylor Crackers printed on it ................... even made a few in tall glass bottles using a coat hanger tool to arrange the plants ............... so, i have decided to make them again .................... and i will try to sell some in the shop ............... what do you think, will they sell ........................ doesn't everyone need a touch of green !
......................................... i am blessed !

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

heart speaking.....

isn't that just a wonderful saying .......... "heart speaking" ........... i think i will use this often ............ how many times is our heart speaking to us and we don't pay attention ........ (i for one believe that it is GOD Himself speaking through our heart) .......... maybe we should take "really" good notes ........... i am so guilty of having those "heart speaking" moments and not acting on them or following through ............ i vow to listen to my heart more ........... not only to take notes ..... ........ thank you Lord for speaking through my heart today.......................... .................... i am blessed !