Prairie Blue my front door spinning...................just some simple thoughts & happenings of an ordinary woman.....

Saturday, October 29, 2016

"Nettie Blue"......

been a busy little Prairie Blue town trying to ready for the next open house tour ....... the one little bright spot has been an answered prayer ....... i have just prayed for quite awhile that God would send me a kitty ......... well....... she has been here a week & i think she has adopted me ..... since it is "National Cat Day" i think it is time to make it official ........... not a very good picture ...... but meet my "Nettie Blue"........ LOVE ..................
I am blessed!


Mary A said...

You have a friend! How beautiful! Calicoes are the best! Enjoy!

Winnie said...

Oh my, look at that sweetie!! Nettie Blue is just the perfect name too. Maybe she will have a favorite Calico Blue quilt from your collection as a favorite sleeping nest? So happy to hear that your prayers were answered. Kitties that select their owners are always the dearest. It was a match made in heaven!

And already time for the next big Neighbor's Tour? I just know it is going to be so much fun and everyone is going to be enjoying the late fall weather and getting inspired and excited for the upcoming holidays. Your organization and work keeping these events all coordinated is such a blessing to the many who look forward to attending! Wish I was one of them!!

Winnie said...

Hope your Neighbor's Tour is great this weekend! Looks like the weather is going to be just about perfect for your area as well.

Winnie said...

Oops, I just checked and the tour is next weekend! You have a great weekend just enjoying the late Fall.

Unknown said...

What a surprise!!!